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I was lying down on the floor of the school staring at the ceiling after Sam pushed me down. 

Just about a minute ago, Principal Franklin announced the winners of locker 239. Yep. You got that right... WINNERS.

I HAVE TO SHARE THE LOCKER WITH SAM! I was overjoyed until I realized, AGAIN, I have to share the locker with Sam. 

Not just because she's gonna have her picture plastered across the locker making it harder for me to be there but because I'm supposed to hate her. AND because I am supposed to gift this locker to her before asking her out. DARN my amazing math skills ugh.

But, she's refusing to talk to me after our almost kiss yesterday. Yeah... We didn't kiss. Almost but our lips didn't meet. 

This is kinda what happened


I decided to make a move.

"Sam?" I called.

"Yeah Fredlumps?"

"I've waited all my....." I began.

She raised her eyebrow as she set the bone on the plate and quietly sat up straight on the couch.

But, I lost my words. I stared deep into her blue eyes and words just came pouring out of my mouth.

"Your eyes... They... They are so beautiful" I muttered. I didn't realize what I said until AFTER I said it.

A small blush creeped onto her face but I was too deep lost in her eyes to notice it.

"Th... thanks?" she said trying to make it sound nonchalant.

The room grew quiet. We were both staring at each other and then finally, I leaned in towards her. 

Just as we were about to kiss, Spencer walked into the house yelling "CARLY I'M HOME FROM THE GROCERY STORE!" 


Sam and I jumped away from each other. both of us at each corner of the couch.

"Nothing!" we yelled simultaneously. We seem to be doing a LOT of that lately. Speaking simultaneously that is.

"Oh hey Spence!" Sam said turning towards him. 

"Hey Sam, Freddie... where's Carly?" he asked.

Spencer was not supposed to know Carly takes art lessons from someone that is not him because he is an artist himself. So, Me and Sam quickly tried to cover up for her.

"She's Gone to the..." I began before Sam completed my sentence. That chic is a PROFESSIONAL liar hehe.

"Groovy Smoothie!" she began. "To get..."

"Smoothies?" I completed. 

"Yeah. I didn't have money and Carly saw a hot boy down there earlier today"  Sam said. 

"Hot Boy - Groovie Smoothies. Got it" Spencer said before he went to the groceries on the kitchen counter.

 "Wait So, You weren't on a date with Veronica?" Sam asked as she got up and sat on the stool by the computer.

"Nah... She had to go to her L.A. to take care of her sick grandma last minute" Spencer said as he took a packet of bacon out of the bag.

"Is that Bolivian Bacon?" Sam asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah but this is for..." Spencer began before Sam snatched the bag from his hand, tore it open and began eating it. 

"Cassie my new date but sure! You can have it too" he said knowing he could do nothing about it now. I snickered in the background.

The room grew quiet and started becoming a little awkward because Spencer exited the room.

"Oh would ya look at the time" Sam said looking at her wrist.

"You don't even have a watch!" I said. 

"Well... All I know is it's TIME for me to go" she said glaring at me. "See Ya Frednerd" 

She opened the door and left and I ran after her. 

"SAM WAIT UP!" I yelled as I ran after her. 

"Sam!" I said as I grabbed her arm just before she went into the corridor elevator.

"WHAT DORKFACE?" she yelled back.

"Can we... Can we talk about what just happened? Or almost happened"  I asked like the stupid moron I am.

"Actually" she began. "Let's NEVER talk about it"

"But Sam I-" She cut me off yelling "I DON"T CARE" before she left my grip and walked into the elevator.

I sighed and stood there watching the elevator door close.

"Well... good night Princess Puckett" I murmured before walking back home. 


She's been cold-shouldering me all day but trying to make it look normal.

Now, why am I lying on the ground you ask?

Yeah... Sam just walked up to me when Principal Franklin told us we'd have to share locker 239. She pushed me down pressing on my shoulder and head saying "Told ya Mama KNOWS her fat cakes."

The entire school dispersed and Sam went to look for Carly who had just arrived because she had overslept.

And here I am, Lying on the floor wondering why  have got the worst luck ever.

I couldn't help but replay our 'almost' kiss over and over again, wondering what would have happened if Sam and I did kiss... 

I guess the same as ever. But, it did give me a little hope and a glimpse into a Seddie future because she didn't slap me, or break my arms and legs, or dis-figure my face, or... you know where I am going with this... DESTROY me, when I leaned in to kiss her.

But sadly, Sam is Sam. She only goes for Bad Boys like that skunk-bag Jonah. 



Sorry for the delay! I'm in between exams right now :_(

But, What did you think of this chapter? I know I didn't get them to kiss yet. But that's coz this is only the 5th chapter! I mean, where's the fun in that if I don't get you guys anxious to know what's gonna happen XD

Well, what did you guys think of this chapter? 

Vote Comment and share!


Hayley Prescott

(Not sorry for being mean though XD I love ending chapters with cliff hangers hehe XD)

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