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So the day before yesterday, while we were at Carly's place going through splash face on her desktop, we came across a video of these people playing a game of indoor paint ball. It's like this tiny blow pipe kinda thing with super small paintballs that you blow. So, we decided to give it a try as it seemed fun. Spencer came up with the name "ASSASINATION" and we just agreed coz it sounded really fun. 

And by yesterday morning, Carly was paint balled out by Spencer when she was making her Waffles for breakfast. Me? Sam shot me out when I was testing out the new camera setting in the studio. And UNFORTUNATELY, it was on video so guess who got humiliated in the previous webcast? That's right, ME.

Me and Sam were hanging out in Carly's room while she was getting changed into her bunny suit because we were supposed to go and film Carly doing the challenge one of our viewers challenged her to do.

"This looks ridiculous!" Carly said as she came out of her bathroom in a fuzzy pink bunny suit.

"Naw!" I said followed by a "pftt".

"Yea Carls! You look like a...a" Sam stuttered.

"A pink bunny?" Carly finished giving her what the girls call the 'LOOK'.

"No! A fat pink bunny" Sam said before bursting into laughter. I stifled a laughter because we had to admit, that costume was ridiculous.

"Let's just go get this over with" Carly said with a sigh as she and Sam walked out of the room.

"I'll grab my camera and be down there" I yelled back.

I ran back down to find Carly yelling at Sam and Spencer "GIVE ME IT".

 I just gave a slight chuckle and whispered to Sam while Carly and Spencer were distracted. 

"Come downstairs before Carls to win a prize" I said with a small smirk.

Sam smiled and pushed me out of the door before she went and hid in the bush so that she could hit Spencer with her backup blower when Carly was not looking.

I went down into the lobby and sat down on the chair and started changing the memory card of the camera because videos we film for iCarly are usually on a separate SD card.


I looked up from my Camera and saw Lewbert's mouth stuffed with a crunchy shelled taco yelling at me to get out. It's weird how he yells that because we do messing with Lewbert segment that is filmed by cameras I fitted IN the lobby.

"Get ouutfffffff!!!!" He yelled, spitting Taco shells while doing so.

"Okay Okay!" I said in disgust getting up. Luckily, Sam and Carly reached downstairs and we walked out.

"So Carls, you know what to do" Sam told Carly as we walked down the street to the main road, about 500 metres away. 

"Yea Yea... stand on the sidewalk for an hour" she said avoiding the important part.

"AND you have to offer to brush people's teeth for a dollar!" I reminded her and she groaned. Me and Sam laughed.

We stopped by the signal to cross the road to the other side because it is slightly busier and near a park. More people = More drama and fun haha.

Just as we were took a step onto the road, a Mexican taco truck came speeding towards us.

"SAM WATCH OUT!" I yelled as she was the closest to it. I ran towards her to push her out of the way.

But, before she even heard me, she stopped and walked back to pick up a penny she saw on the sidewalk. That's when I noticed. the truck was about to hit Carly, who was standing next to Sam but was now, already in the middle of the road.

I ran and pushed her out of the way and suddenly, I felt a shooting pain go up my body.

"Freddie! Freddie! Listen!" I heard Carly's voice as I felt my head elevate onto something I'm guessing was her lap.

"Sam! CALL 911!"  her frantic voice echoed in my head.

"Already on it!" Sam yelled. 

"Yea! My friend got hit by a truck!" Carly yelled into the phone.

"My Boyfriend got hit by a Mexican food truck!" I heard Sam. Carly was also on the phone so, she didn't hear what Sam had said but just as everything was about to go dark, I heard her voice again.

"It's gonna be okay Freddie! The Ambulance is on it's way!" 

"I'll go teach that stupid Mexican Food driver a lesson he'll never forget" I heard Sam Yell.

"Go call my brother! We need his help!" Carly's told her.

"After I go beat up that old piece of trash" I heard Sam growl.

Soon after, everything went dark.

A/N - 

Hey guys! Sorry for such delayed updates! I'm still in that recovery mode and Doctor said it would take at least a year for complete recovery. My arm is getting better but I still can't give much effort so chapter will be slow.

Anyway, the next chapter is also almost ready! It's what you've all been looking forward to!

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Hayley <3

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