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As I watched Sam walk away from me, I felt a sense of emptiness in me. Quite an overwhelming feeling indeed. But this time, she wasn't sad or mad. She was let down and broken.

The great Sam Puckett feeing emotions like a normal person is quite surprising to most people. But, to me, it's noting new. I've seen that side of her quite a few times. Jonah, Pete, and all those idiots who broke her heart for Carly made her a little like that. But, I've never seen her like this.

I guess you can say, I'm the newest addition to the list of idiots that chose Carly over Sam.

So, if you remember right, I left school right after 1st period to run after Sam. So, I had to wait for Carly to return before I can talk to her about our relationship. 

I hobbled to the door, pulled out the keys (with a LOT of effort because it was in my right pocket and I had to take it out of my left), jingled it into the keyhole, STRUGGLED AND STRUGGLED  to open the door, and FINALLY reached home.

I didn't even know I could do stuff with my left arm!

I tossed the keys into this little key holder-pan thing and went to my room. 

My room, my man cave, my hideout, my... my... Okay. It isn't any of those. I've got Galaxy Wars and World of Warlords posters around, a few action figures, "collectibles", the main game station and a lot of books (not related to the games). So, for a guy my age, my room was beyond clean. 

But, you can't blame me until you meet my mom!

I sighed and threw my bag into my chair and crashed into bed. I didn't want to think about her but, I ended up doing it anyway. That ruined my whole mood.

How could I have been such an idiot?!?

I looked up at one of the posters around me. A Red Skynaut standing next to a Proton Cruiser.

"I bet you'd never leave Princess Ablingada's side, would you?" I asked the poster mindlessly.

"You wouldn't leave Princess Ablingada for Princess Lola just because the 12 year old you loved Princess Lola over Princess Ablingada just becasue Princess Ablingada was a lot more abrasive than her best friend!" I said, without a SINGLE punctuation in between.

Man, I was such a fool.

I left Princess Ablingada for Princess Lola beca- 


I left Sam for Carly  just because my feelings from when I was 12 arose. But, what I felt for Carly wasn't love. It was me being too scared to stand up for myself and Carly being there to protect me from Sam.

She was my bacon.

I sighed and crashed into bed, hoping this girl drama would be over soon. Oh who am I kidding, I'd choose Sam any day. Right?

I felt conflicted.

4 years ago, I would have never thought I'd find myself stuck between 2 girls who like me. But, fate works in mysterious ways...

I shut my eyes and soon, rifted into a deep sleep.

A few hours later, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I shot up. It took me a few seconds to figure out what was happening and then, I picked up my phone from my bed-side stand.

It was from Carly.

I answered the phone and before I could say anything, Carly yelled at me.


"Wh... What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"You-You were dating Sam, weren't you?" Carly asked. Her voice held no sorrow, just anger and fear.

"Who told you? I... I mean-" I stammered. But, she cut me off.

"You are such a jerk Freddie... Out of all the people, you broke Sam!" Carly said. 

"Sam told me to keep it a -" I tried explaining but, she cut me off. Again.

"Sam told me EVERYTHING. In a NOTE!" she said. Her voice was now trembling.

"Oh-" was all I could say.

"She told me everything before ending it with a ' I'll miss you Carly. But, fate works in mysterious ways. Anyway, I've got business to attend to so, see you soon.' "

"She wrote everything in a third person point of view. But, we all know Sam will never tell us on her own..." Carly said.

I was shocked.

"What does she mean by 'See you soon?' " I asked.

"Check her Splashface status from 3 hours ago" she said. Her voice was completely trembling, as though she were crying.

I switched to Splashface and checked her status. It was a pic of a highway signboard and her.

Under the image, she put the caption - "Trying something new!" and 

I was beyond shattered. 

"Freddie?" Carly called. "Freddie! Where are you? You still there?" 

I just stared at the pic. Sam giving her signature grin with a double thumbs up near her chees and eyes shut, on her motorcycle. The cutest pic I have but, in the current circumstances, the worst timing ever.

Was... Was she happy about going away?

Did she really go away because of me?

I didn't want to know.

But, curiosity got the better of me.

"Spencer's driving me to Los Angeles. Get ready in 2 hours if you want to come," she said. I 'mhmm-d' and cut the call.

Then I remembered.

Crutches. Yikes.

Wait, No... Not this time.

Not gonna put a wound in front of anything.

Sorry mom, but, my leg is not as important as Sam is.

I updated my Splashface status with a "Next episode of iCarly in LA!" and then, went to pack for the ride. But, there was only one thought going through my head the entire time.

Sammy, please stay safe.


 Finally another update hehe... Sorry for the delay XD

Also, are you guys still watching the iCarly reboot? Apparently Nathan directed tomorrow's episode. I can't wait to watch EEK!!!

Also, do vote, comment and share <3

See y'all later!



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