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My lips were still tingling.

Not just my lips, my entire body was.

Sam just told me she liked me. We kissed. WE KISSED!!!

It doesn't matter if I can't tell the world about us. As long as I have her. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world right now! After the little incident in the terrace, we walked inside and finally caught up with Carly. She was so happy to see Sam as though she almost lost her. Truth be told, it was expected. Sam has never refused meat in her life before. She has NEVER refused to talk to us before and she has NEVER and by that, I mean NEVER not barged into one of our place to grab food or watch TV or hang out. By her attitude lately, it was not a surprise that we were worried.

But, all that was over now. Sam was finally My Girl. 

Carly ended up asking us tons of questions but Sam, being the BEST liar in the world, convinced Carly that she was "working" for some extra money lately and she accidentally left her phone in the studio.

After that little reunion, we went back to Carly's place. Remember when Spencer wanted to show me something but I had rudely cut him off? Well... it was this really pretty sculpture of a bunny. 

He found out Carly was taking art lessons to learn to draw a bunny. He still hasn't gotten over what he calls an 'insult'. So, all his art works have been bunnies lately.

He made a bunny out of an old car seat, he made a bunny out of our precious weekly spaghetti tacos, he made a bunny out of WATER and then accidentally set it on fire, he made a bunny out of... YOU GET MY POINT!

Just as he began to explain what this bunny was doing, my mom called me for my weekly body inspection, which is humiliating. It used to be bi-weekly but this is all I could negotiate it down to. Weekly.

And now, here I am, staring at the ceiling. It is 11:30 pm right now. I am still trying to get it into my system that I am dating the ACTUAL girl of my dreams.

Sam didn't want Carly to know because she was sure she would judge her. Besides, she also convinced herself that Carly, being the boy-machine that she is, will try to steal me away from her because ALL the boys Sam has tried to date, some how, un-intentionally, ended up with Carly. Jonah wanted Carly, Pete wanted Carly, all of them. Carly is not doing it intentionally though. But, if she did, I would be so proud of her coz that always opened up my chances with Sam. God, that sounds cringy.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Sam and I smiled to myself.


SAM: Hey boi

                              Hiya Princess! <3 :FREDDIE

SAM: Wanna go to the park? I'm bored XD

                        Park? Now? It's almost midnight! : FREDDIE

SAM: Does my Fredduccini not want to spend time with his Princess Puckett?   

             GAHH JSKJSKJSKJSKJSK SAM! I CAN QUITE LITERALLY HEAR THAT LITTLE ADORABLE VOICE YOU MAKE XD   .....        MEET YOU THERE IN 10? : FREDDIE                                                 

SAM: I thought so XD See yea there

                                 Yea Yea  Puckett : FREDDIE


 I smiled. I still don't know how someone can be this aggressive and adorable at the same time. I swung out of bed and got changed out of my PJ's. I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room.

I opened my mom's room just to make sure she's asleep and then, I bolted out the main door silently. The streets of Seattle never looked more quiet. But, I was too busy running to the park to notice that. The street lights were on and the roads that were usually bustling with excitement were empty as Carly's refrigerator after school the day Sam comes home.

The park was about a block from Bushwell and 2 from Sam's place. But somehow, she managed to reach there before me. I entered the park and saw Sam looking into her pearphone. I sneaked up behind her, grabbed her waist and hugged her.

Bad Move.

She elbowed me in the face, kicked me in the shins and just as she was about to kick me in the most painful place for are a guy, she saw me.

"Benson?" she asked.

"He-ey" I said trying not to die. 

"Ohmigosh I am so sorry Freddo" she said with genuine concern (not very common in Ms. Puckett) as she helped me to the little park chair.

"It's my fault for trying it on you hun... You almost kicked me where the sun doesn't shine" I said with a small smile.

Sam put her arm around me before she apologized. "I'm sowwy Fredduccini" she said fake pouting. 

"Don't do that! You know I can't resist it when you make that face!" I said with a small smirk as I stood up.

"Can't resist what?" she asked. She stood up and made that adorable face closer to me. 

"This" I said before I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I kissed her and I felt that same special warmth again. Sparks flew and my entire body tingled. Our lips synced and I just wished I could do this more often and not hiding it from our best friend Carly.

We pulled away and I stared into her eyes with a smirk.

"You know, you don' have to resist. You can do that whenever you want" she said with a wink followed by a cheeky smile. 

"Is that so?" I asked with a smirk before kissing her again.

Sometimes, I wish time slows down and stops when I am around her. I want Seddie time to last forever.

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting :((

I'll be a tad more regular and I promise <3 

How did you like this chapter? Coz, any scene with Sam and Freddie makes me go all fangirl-y hehe

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Hayley Prescott

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