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Tikki's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since the akuma attack, we didn't know Mari was in such a state.

I mean we thought it was just a bump in the head that she will recover soon enough to come back to school but everytime she wakes up she only lasts hours or even minutes awake before falling asleep again or passing out.

Other than her parents, people have been visiting though, Alya and Nino come everyday after school until 7 a clock, they have bring her gifts from her different people that have heard about the accident.

Her classmates come on often even as a group, they talk with her about their problems even though she doesn't hear them and that made me realize how loved she is in Paris.

Even Nathaniel came in and tried to apologize to her parents I mean he was the villian but just as expected the Dupain-Chengs being the cinnamon buns they are they forgave him and reassured him that it wasn't his fault.

But kinda was. I thought but he was controlled but he was saved... speaking of that matter.

Adrien/Chat Noir at the other hand they haven't been taking it well, I can feel Plagg's and Adrien's feelings toward the situation... they feel bad, guilty


"Its bad Tikki he feels so guilty that its kinda rubbing off on me, he puts on a brave face but anyone that knows him well enough knows that he's faking" Plagg whispered to me while sitting on the nightstand facing Marinette.

"Its not he's fault Plagg, believe me I wasn't, it was Hawkmoth's fault" I whispered back.

"I-I know Tikki but don't want his guilt to become anger that would just go downhill very quick-" he stopped and sighed

"I'm worried Tikki" I just grined at the fact that this is the most I've seen Plagg care about his owner before.

I just replied the same way he cheers me up.

"Aww you care Plagg" I giggled earning a scoff from him.

"Yeah Yeah whatever" he sassed as he faced me once again, smiled and waved goodbye.

"Thank you sugarcube" I smiled. "Anytime Plagg".

End of flashback...

Also Chat Noir left a letter, I've been tempting to read it all day since the day it arrived, but I'm not sure if its from Adrien or the cat and there was another letter but it isn't signed I'm sure its something from school.

On the other hand Marinette is showing signs of waking up for good.

Marinette's POV:

W-what's happening, Am I in a ambulance?, I slowly opened my eyes to see a nice lady looking down on me.

"Don't worry ma'am, stay with us, you took a hard hit that it looks, i'm gonna need your name that would help a lot" She said while treting my minor wounds.

"M-marinette Dupa-ain cheeng" I stuttered out as fast as I could until I passed out.

mini time skip...

My eyes suddenly shot up as I quickly stood up from the bed.

Alya and Nino were sitting across from the side of my bed and quickly looked up shocked and a little scared, well I can't talk I look like I've been raised from the dead.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now