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"Really?!" Marinette yelled annoyingly in the middle of the road.

Marinette was mad, no furious and not because Emma left them stranded but because she is stuck with him.

"Ugh I'm calling Alya" She said taking out her phone. "Marinette don't do that" Chat Noir said as he sat on the side of the road.

Marinette snapped her head glaring at him. "You can't tell me what to do" She spat as he rolled his eyes.

"She'll ask questions that we can't answer and you are a really bad liar" He said with a sly smile. "Shut up" She replied looking down the road.

"Well lucky us no cell service" The bluenette sighs. "Where exactly is this place, this isn't even the way to go to the bakery" Marinette says looking around.

"You think, she drove us here on purpose?" Chat Noir asked. "That sounds like Emma" Hands on her hips she blew her bangs upwards.


"Uh look Marinette can you please let me explain?" Chat broke the silence.

The girl was pacing in the middle of the road. "..." She was unbothered as she kept pacing.

"No" She simply said.

Chat was a little mas that she wouldn't let him explain but he understood why in a way.

Marinette was always so talkative, a little too much, but so her being so cold hurts him.

"Why can't you let me talk?!" Chat raised his voice. "Because, I don't wanna hear it and get hurt again" She said as she kept hiding her face

While they kept bickering they didn't notice a car coming there way.

"Look I..." He trailed off as he took a look at the car driving without headlights leaving them totally oblivious.

He then realizes that Marinette is on the literal middle of the road as she didn't notice it.

By instinct he ran towards her as she looked shocked when she looked to the side. "Marinette!"

He yelled as he tackled her to the ground missing the car by a hair, one hand protecting her head while the other around her waist.

He looked at her for a second and he noticed she was crying all this time.

"She was crying and I didn't even notice, what's wrong with me?"

They hit the ground and rolled down a hill into the woods, branches kept hitting them scratching Chat as he protected Marinette.

They fell onto the ground as Chat landed on top of her. "Wha... What kind of person drives without fucking headlights?!?" He said in full exhaustion.

He turned to Marinette to see if she was okay as he looked at her she had tears running down her face.

"Hey hey, its okay, your alright" He cooed placing a hand in her cheek wiping a tear with his thumb.

She blushed at his touch but she kept letting her tears fall finally. "W-why her..." She whispered avoiding his eyes.

"You know I like you, more than you could ever imagine and I wouldn't do that to you" He said standing up.

"Like?" She thought as her heart sank a little.

"Fine explain to me" She crossed her arms standing up too.

"That morning, I had... plans in which I couldn't get to see you as Chat so I went early to see you and inform you about it..." He trailed off looking towards the girl.

"Are you you even listening?!" He said. "Yeah but I was just thinking" She whispered that part.


She walked at a little closer while crossing her amrs. "I bumped into that Lila girl on my way, she told me she was hurt in her leg..." He caught her look.

"What?!" He exclaimed innocently. "Did you really believe it?" She asked annoyed. "No... but hear me out"


"Oh someone help" I heard her shout.

As a superhero is my duty to save those in need, so I jumped down to help her.

"Miss are you okay?" I asked her.

And I was really smart by pretending not to know her based on what you told me but that just made things worst.

"I'm fine it just hurts" She said whimpering. "Where does it hurt I can carry you to the hospital" He said looking for a bruise or broken bodypart.

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind?" She asked with puppy eyes and I carried her.

"The name's Lila and your really cute" She booped my nose, I laughed awkwardly as I looked at her for again if she was hurt.

"Im sorry but where exactly is where your hurt?" I asked as she just smirked and pointed towards her lips.

I looked at her disgusted as I roll my eyes and put her down and turn to walk away.

Okay Mari to walk away to see you.

She then pulled me from my bell and kissed me.

It was to get to you.


Marinette stood there in silence eyeing him. "Ugh!" She grunted kicking a rock.

"Marinette?" Chat asked in concern. "Why does she hate me that much?!"

She was gonna say something else as she was interrupted by a sound.

"Come on lets follow it" Marinette said avoiding the subject.

Chat Noir just nodded and follow as they saw a group of people in a circle and with skie masks.

"Okay this friday, hotel bourgeois, come back with good news" One said.

They could assume they were all men, based on their stance, talk and height.

"Marinette, now we can bust them" Chat whispered. "No, were not cops and there is no evidence that one of them is him plus we can find information" She whispered back as he nodded.

"Okay she, will were a pink mask, don't miss her, we need her, okay? She doesn't know who we are okay so approach her discreetly" He kept saying as the two remaining, nodded and all left.

"Okay there is a girl involved and she's gonna wear a pink mask, you are gonna approach her and distract her to lure the others" Marinette said.

Chat Noir was taken aback by her words. "Marinette Im not going to approach another girl and let this..." He stopped and pointed towards himself and then her.

"...happen again." He said. "Look everything is according to plan, well talk about it with Emma, you just pick up the tickets and its all completed" She poked his chest as they started walking back.

"You still sound mad, are you mad?" He said in concern as he geabbed her shoulders. "..."

Soon she saw behind them. "Paris!" She exclaimed. "We made it without noticing." Chat Noir said in relief.

"I wish I could laughs in Emma's face right now" She exhaled as they started walking out of the woods.

to be continued...

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now