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Chat Noir's POV:

"Let's dance"

I put my fists up, slightly tilted head down eyeing him, ready for him to lunge towards me.

His men went towards me but Chris quickly put his hand up. "I got this, I'm not that weak"

We'll see.

I tried and analyze what I'm just about to do but I stopped, putting my fists down letting my arms fall to my sides.

I need to let him hit me.

In my experience of watching Emma train through out the months we've been on this investigation, I noticed she waits for the opponent to attack.

At first I thought it was odd, waiting for them to lunge but now I understand, to study your opponent first.

So I actually need to see his moves and weaknesses for once, and if I get him to attack first I can fight freely in self defense.

So main objective now is get through Chris to Nathaniel, he doesn't look too good then find that Chloe with her disappearing act and meet up with Mari and the others.

"Are you just gonna stand there and look pretty or are you gonna be a man and fight me!?" Chris snaps me out of thought exclaiming evilly.

"Didn't realize I had to be a man to beat you, I thought everyone could" I raised my shoulders
as my dumbfounded pout turns to a smirk.

"Ah, nice little cat but sadly I'm the only man here, your just a pussy cat" He grins to a serious face at me.

He knows my plan... I need to irritate him more then, my god.

"Oh is man and milksop, the same thing then?" I ask.

He swiftly turned his head to me."What did you just say?!"

Here's my chance.

"It's just that I thought a man was supposed to be respectful, kind, equally relevant and self-less, many men in this world already failed at those qualities but a milksop now that's really a good name for those men and I think you fall in that category, that's all" I finished deadpanned but quickly sealing it off with a half smile.

His eyes twitched in irritation as he hesitantly then towards me lunging.

He lifted his fist up aiming towards me as he came closer as my eyes widen.

"Your fast!"

With the little time I had to react I watched his footwork, it seemed off, had poor balance in it.

I ducked as he stopped in his tracks quickly aiming down to punch my back but then I kicked him by the legs as he sweeps falling on his back.

"But too predictable" I got up and looked down at him.

He gathered himself before he surprised me by grabbing my leg pulling me down to the floor in front of him.

"Likewise" The brunette tilted his head fake smiling.

He got up as I rolled my eyes knowing he's gonna start talking.

"You say a man is respectful but by your horrible attitude and stupidity , I'm assuming your parents didn't raise you well" Chris reasoned as he went to punch him.

I quickly grabbed his hand keeping him back as I slowly stood up with it.

"I have horrible attitude? This is coming from the guy who had an open chit chat in the middle of a forest" I let out rolling my eyes.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now