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Marinette was sad no furious, she knew her and Chat weren't official but all the things he said to her that night.

The things SHE said to him that night, we're the most difficult things she ever had to tell a person.

Only for the next day to kiss the girl he knew she hated. It stings for Marinette, she felt betrayed but...

"Mari? Marinette look at the picture, I know Lila is a bitch but look at this they look so in love" Alya awed at the picture of the two kissing.

Marinette noticed everyone was waiting for her to react, Adrien was anxiously waiting for her to say something. "Mari-"

"They deserve eachother" Marinette deadpanned towards the other four.

Marinette's POV:

It burns you know, I finally get my feelings straight for ones in my life and this happens.

I know Chat wouldn't do this right? I should trust him but that picture looked otherwise.

"Hey Mari sun's going down we should head back to town" Alya said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Thanks um where exactly did you get that picture?" I asked.

I got up from my chair packing up my towel washing off the sand as we headed back.

"Well just Saturday morning just when I was on my way to pick up Nino and Adrien." She explained while I just kept everything in.

I don't know what to think Lila could've done something but Chat Noir is loyal, I should know I've been his partner as Ladybug for years, I'm really confused.

I was alone packing in my room as I heard the door creak.

"Hey Marientte?" Chloe asked. "What is it?"

"I know about your investigation" She deadpanned as I look at her in horror.

"Uuh w-what investigation?" I asked playing it cool.

"Marinette, I've been known of it for some time now" She chuckles nervously.

"WHAT SINCE WHEN HOW?!" I panicked.

"Capm down and I overheard Nathaniel talking someone on the phone and I can help you with some information" She said in all seriousness.

"Chloe what-"

"It's the least I could do after all this years please" She pleaded as I look at he in worry.

"Okay hit me" She said as I took in shock what she told me.


Timeskip to Tuesday...

Walking into school, I've been off lately,
mentally, I wanna go home, I'm mad, I wanna break everything in my room but I can't just 7 more hours.

Anything right now pisses me off, nobody better not bother me.

I walked to get my books in my locker woth Alya, we both had a really bad sunburn in our backs so we we're holding in our laughs to prevent pain.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now