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Hi guys so in order of my absence here is a double update for y'all, enjoy!

Adrien's POV:

The rest week in question? Was actually really stressful.

I needed to buy the tickets for the ball after school, which I need to be careful with and still study tonight.

I have suits in my closet from latest fashion show and I need to bring a date and it can't be Marinette ugh.

Now civilian life, even worse, class after class after class, tomorrow I have my last final and then summer.

I've studied so much, I've lost count how many times I've had a mental breakdown and this is coming from a 'perfect' model student, I can't imagine people who are failing.

Now more importantly, Marinette...


We hadn't have time to actually spend time together and now, no one know we're together, no even Emma just Alya.

But the little time we could even talk, we made it count like it was our last talk.

In school it's even harder, I've had to get used to resisting flirting or even approach her and its been a challenge.


I've seen her talk with Nathaniel, it made my blood boil but I know they're probably talking about the investigation or school stuff.

Lila, we'll she's been absent since yesterday and  did her exams online and Sabrina is lonely now that she doesn't have someone to follow anymore.

I've seen from afar, Chloe and Marinette being a lot more close which I'm happy for Chloe, I've seen her development slowly show since I know her the best, Im glad she has true friends now.


We've been preparing for the ball for the past week, we decided to tell Emma what we saw in the forest, I'm surprised I'm still alive, she was mad we didn't say something sooner.

I've been staying quiet in school not really talking only with my circle.

Most of the time I'm always in my head, thinking about the ball, Marinette, my friends, missing my mom so much, school, drama, hero patrol with Emma at midnight and most importantly my dad's neglecting everything I do, its been a rough year but hopefully, I hope I get through it.

"ADRIEN AGRESTE GRAHAM DE VANILY" Emma yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

I flinched at her yell as she look over at me in worry. "What's wrong?" She asked.

I drift off and look at my surroundings, oh I remember Emma is taking me to get the tickets.

"Oh nothing just nervous" I said in truth as she chuckles.

"What about your exams, don't worry you'll pass, your really smart for your age if not you wouldn't even be a acquaintance to us" She smiled at me as I smiled back.

"Yeah there is that and I really don't wanna mess this up and put Marinette and all of you in danger" I explained.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine, Nathaniel and someone Marinette mentioned will be there too just need to stay calm" She motioned with her hands as we drove.

"Plus they'll be ton of fancy cuisine" Plagg came out of my pocket as he drooled.

"Here I was thinking, you would be as annoying as Adrien described you" Emma said as she took a pile of cheese and gave them to him.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now