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"ALYA?!" Both exclaimed at the girl infront of them.

"That's my name" She said unamused.

Both quickly blushed when they sneak a glance towards eachother as Alya lets out a chuckle.

"You could've told me that we had a audience" He whispered to Marinette.

"I forgot I invited her for tonight" Marinette hit her head as Chat quickly stopped her. "No, no, no none of that" He lowered her hand to her side flashing her a smile.

"Uh still here, now explain this" She pointed towards the couple.

Noticing how close they were, they part away from eachother scratching the back of their necks.

"Uh I was just coming to check on Ms. Dupain-Cheng here after that horrible akuma attack" He said in a sturdy but professional voice.

Alya sat there deadpanned as Marinette rolled her eyes holding in her laugh.

"Really?" Alya smirked as she stood up from the chair leaning towards the hero.

"Yeah? Yeah" He suddenly said oddly proud. She then sat back down holding out her phone scrolling through ir. "Do you kiss all the people you save Chat Noir?" She smirked once again looking up from her phone, looking straight at the boy.

Marinette let out a snicker. "Hey don't laugh, this can cost us" He pouted. "I guess but you only live once" She raised her shoulders and arms.

Marinette kept giggling as Chat pouted then let out a laugh looking at the bluenette .

"IM STILL HERE!?!?" Alya said as they froze in place. "S-sorry um I don't really know how to explain uh so basically" Mari stuttered as she trailed off.

Alya kept eyeing the boy as the couple kept trying to come up with a explanation that won't involve the investigation.

"What your trying to say is that you to like no love each other yet can't exactly be together in public cause you know lady magnet" She gestured towards Chat. "And the fact your a superhero would put Marinette, her family, friends and I, myself included" She finish rambling.

The two stared at her shocked as she rose a brow a the two quickly then a smirk.

"How did you..." Chat trailed off. "I had my suspicions, the school pickups, the sudden excuses to not hang out after school, your under eyes, which I thought were because you were staying up late at first I didn't understand but know I do" She said grinning towards Chat.

He laughs awkwardly looking to anywhere but the girls eyes.

"Yeah basically" The Marinette stuttered.

'But yeah you know without a killer after us' The girl thought.

Alya then stares at the blond walking towards him as Marinette looks at her confused.

Something about Alya's aura at the time she approached the boy, scared him.

He looks up avoiding her stares. "Mmm" She hums examining her face. "Uh..." He trialed off looking down on her nervously.

Alya then strech out her hand indicating for him to take. "I don't think we properly met, I'm Alya" She smiled.

What the two didn't know is that they knew eachother just in their double lives.

Marinette knew she had that smile, the smile that could kill.

Chat took her hand his nervous smile turning into a genuine one as Alya squeezes his hand tight enough to be crushed.

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍, marichatWhere stories live. Discover now