Chapter 7: Picnic

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A/N Heyyy :D thank you all for reading this fanfic!! Over 400 reads!! Some of you might be thinking "When's Tom gonna get more involved??" but I promise, he will as the story goes on! From this chapter and on most of the words in italics will be "said" in Japanese so yea, enjoy!

When I looked at the clock ahead of us, it was already past noon.

'Lunch time, everyone!' I heard someone, probably one of the producers, call.

'Yaaass!!' Rupert jumped up.

'I'd be surprised if you didn't get Ron.' I laughed.

'I'll verse him if there was an eating contest!'
We all laughed.

We got our bags and went to the back where apparently there is a grassy place that we can have a picnic.

I sat between Tom and Emma as we showed each other what we brought. Bonnie brought sandwiches, Emma bright cookies, I brought meat balls and cream soda, Tom brought chocolate (HEAPS of chocolate, which I'm perfectly fine with), Dan brought cheese and bacon rolls and scones and Rupert brought packets of lollies.

'Such a chocoholic you are Tom.' Emma laughed.

'Chocolate's love, chocolate's life.'


We high-fived. 'Yea!'

'Your meatballs looks nice.' Rupert piped up.
'Thanks.' I smiled. 'My brother loves them.'

'You have a brother?' Emma suddenly looked keen.

I nodded.

'What's his name?'


'How old is he?'


I laughed. 'After him, were you?'


Dan coughed.

'Do you have any photos with him though?'

'There's probably some on the Internet.'

'What do you mean?'

'He had his debut as a singer last year.'

'A singer?' They all said.

'So what is he famous?'

'Kind of.'

'OMG do you have your laptop!?'

'Uhhh yeah?'

'Get it! Get ittt!'

'Okay okay! It's right here!'

I pulled out my laptop from my bag next to me.
'But I don't have wifi.'

'Here.' Tom typed in the password for me.


I typed in my brothers name on Google and went to images. As soon as I saw him I couldn't believe my eyes. I was gaping at him when Emma looking into the screen.

'Did he... Dye his hair...?'

I nodded slowly: his hair was blond.
'You two look different.' Tom said as he scrolled down. There were photos from this year, last year, his times at Johnny's Jr. and his childhood photos (how did that get out?).

'Don't take this as any offence Sakura, but you don't look as Japanese like your brother...'

I laughed. 'Yeah I know, don't worry. Everyone says that and some won't believe that we're related.'

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