Chapter 45: Ballet

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We just had toasties with avocado, chicken breast and cheese for breakfast. I had two in the end because I was that hungry. Oh and I also had tea.

Until about noon we lazed about by watching TV, playing PlayStation, going on our phones and talking. Then we decided to go out to the nearby shopping mall to have lunch and also buy small gifts for our new neighbours.

Seiya texted me saying that he had contacted his friend over here about me and that they said they'd happily take me, which was grateful. His friend owned one of the largest dojos in the west.

We then went around to each of the six houses on our street (it was a no-through road) and introduced ourselves briefly. We received very warm welcomes from all of them, which was extremely nice. It also turns out that more than half of them loved the Potters, which was truly amazing.

A family who lived on our left was particularly kind and even invited us in their home. Their names were Janie and Colin Lancaster. Janie, thirty one was a lawyer and Colin, thirty two was a psychologist. They also had a seven year old daughter and a five year old son. Maria and Louis both hid behind their parents when they first saw us and we could hear them saying, 'Mummy, why's Draco here?' and 'Has Sally killed Voldemort yet?'

'Yes kids, the war's over and Draco's now a good guy.' Janie said to her children. Then she added to us laughing slightly, 'They love the Potters.'

'We all do, actually.' Louis grinned.

'That's great to hear.' Tom and I said, smiling widely.

Their home was absolutely spotless and was very spacious. We all had afternoon snack together (the children were no longer hiding behind their parents) and talked for a long time as though we were old friends when in reality, we just met today. Teaching each other our own accents was pretty entertaining and cool too.


My week off and the first week in LA almost went like a blur. I found a new gym and went to my new dojo which was huge. There were so many people there which was both good and bad. Bad, because it was a bit crowded for my liking but good because there's so many good competitions between the athletes and I loved that. Though I did miss Seiya and Kosuke and all the others back at home.

Currently though, I was entering the new studio that I was going to work at for the next six months or so for my new movie.

'Thomas!' I smiled brightly when I saw the familiar person who's face hasn't changed since he was like twelve.

'Hey.' He grinned as he engulfed me in a gentle hug.

'How are you?' I asked as we parted.

'Yeah pretty good actually.' He smiled. 'You?'

'Not bad not bad.' I smiled back, nodding.

'That's good. Where in LA do you guys live again?'

'Beverly Hills.'

'Of course.' He laughed and I smiled at him.

'You're in Santa Monica aren't you?'

'Yeah, right by the beach.'

'Oh lucky!'

He chuckled. 'You should come over one day. Kate wants to see you too.'

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