Chapter 48: the Assistant

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Guess who's baaaaackk :))))))))


Sakura' POV
I stared at him with my mouth in a "o" shape, utterly shocked. When he caught sight of me, he froze and stared back but only for a few moments. He quickly turned around when he found Tom glaring him daggers and silently slid his arm behind my back. Colin obviously realised the sudden tension and asked nervously, looking around all of us. 'Uhh... do you - do you all know each other?'

'Too well.' Tom almost growled.

'Tom...' I said nervously, not wanting any major problems in here.

Then, even though Colin asked him in a low voice, my sensitive ears picked up what he said. 'What kind of history do you have with her?'

'Long story.' Edward mumbled, avoiding eye contact with Tom more than me.

'Right.' Colin said flatly. 'Okay - well - right now, I want you to get ready for her blood test for me, if you wouldn't mind.'


I suddenly felt sick. Needles, I don't care if it was an injection or a blood test. It was one of the top five things, three even, that I hated so much. I hated blood tests even more, because it felt extremely uncomfortable and seeing that amount of blood just sickened me. I gripped Tom's hand and took a deep, heavy breath, closing my eyes.

'It's okay.' I heard Tom's quiet, soothing voice by my ear. But I could hear a hint of tension in his voice. 'You'll be fine.'

'Are you ready Sakura?' Colin asked gently.

I slowly nodded, sticking out my left arm in front of me, looking away to face Tom. But when Ed was about to insert the needle in me, all the things from back then flashed before my eyes and I couldn't help myself but to wince and pull my arm away. Ed seemed to somehow feel the same, because he tightly shut his eyes with his face scrunching up slightly. 'Sorry Colin, but - but I can't do this.'

'What -?'

'If - if you'd excuse me.'

He then walked quickly out of the room, closing the door shut.

'Well that's a first.' Colin stared at the closed door with wide eyes. 'May I ask, errrr, what - what happened between you two? Three, I should probably say?'

'He - he's her ex.' Tom explained for me as he silently calmed me down by rubbing my back. 'And... and he treated her terribly in the end.'

'Ah.' Pieces seemed to click in Colin's head.

'Were you aware of that?'

'I must say, yes. Yes I was. But I did not know that... the victim was you. I'm terribly sorry.'

I shook my head as I quickly wiped away my tear. 'You've done nothing wrong, Colin.'

Edward's POV
I basically ran to my shared office and slammed the door shut behind me. No one else was here, which was good. I leaned against door, breathing heavily.

Why...? Why here...?

Calming myself down, I took two large steps to my desk and seized my phone. She picked up in few rings.

'Hey - what's wrong...?'

'Kat...' My voice shook badly. 'She - I saw her.'

'Who? Wait - Sakura?'


'Oh my - oh Edward...' She had mixed emotions in her voice.

'Are you - can you come here?'

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