Chapter 3: Result

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For the next two days of waiting for the result of the audition, I spent my whole day either talking to Tom, Emma, Dan (he didn't like being called Daniel), Rupert and my brother (once) or walking around nearby places around the hotel.

Then, finally, on the third day, there was a phone call for me.


'Sakura? This is Chris.'

'Hi Chris, how are you?'

'I'm very well thank you. Yourself?'

'Good thanks.'

'That's good to hear. Now... I've got the results.'
My heartbeat began to get faster and faster. It made my breathing speed up automatically, too.

'Ready to hear it?' I could see a smile in his voice.


There was a pause and I forgot to breathe.
'You got it!!'

I nearly screamed, but I clapped my hands over my mouth.

'Oh gosh... Oh my gosh...'

I heard Chris laugh over the phone. 'Yes! Congratulations!'

'Thank you so much!'

'Not a problem. Like we thought at your audition, it was instant! You are the perfect Sally we were looking for, Sakura!'

'Oh no - I - ugh I don't know what to say. Just, again, thank you so so much! I'll look forward on working on it!'

'Your welcome. It's a big pleasure working with you. I look forward to it as well. I will be emailing about the result to your grandmother, but there's nothing stopping you from telling her yourself.'

'Okay, yes, I will do that.' I said, smiling.

I was able to tell that he was smiling too. 'Well this is all I need to tell you for now. Have a great day, Sakura. And again, congratulations!'

'Thank you Chris, you too.'

'See you soon.'


And the line was cut from the other side.

Trying hard to hold in a scream again, I instantly punched the number for our home.

After six rings, mum answered it.



I had a feeling that she pulled away the phone away from her ears.

'Got what, hun?'

'Sorry that was loud. But the role! Sally!'


'Yes!' I squealed.

'Oh my - hang on, I'll get nan -'

'No, don't wake her up -'

'Don't hide it from me, you called for her, didn't you?'

I sighed, smiling. 'You know me too well.'

'Of course, I'm your mother. So hang on.'

The was a pause, but I could still hear her opening the door and quietly talking to grandma.

'Sakura?' She said in a sleepily.

'Grandma! Guess what, guess what?'


'I got the role! I'm in the Potters!'

'WHAT?' She definitely sounded awake now. 'Is that true?'

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