Chapter 10: Premiere

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Sorry it took a while. AGAIN. I just had to delete and edit and delete and edit sooo many times. So this is the premiere chapter and it will jump to a year later.

We arrived at the hotel at eleven o'clock sharp. Bonnie just arrived too.



'How are you?'

'Good thanks.'


'I'm nervous.' She said as we entered the building.

'Yeah I get that.'

'But I can't wait to see the movie!'

'Me too!'

Then we saw one of the hotel employees come up to up. 'Welcome ladies,' he said. 'And gentlemen.' He smiled to Alex, who smiled back nervously. 'For the Potters' premiere, I'm guessing?'

'Yes.' Jackie said.

'Please, follow me.'

And he lead us to one of the big doors of the elevator, as we entered the elevator he pushed the '18' button, which was the last one.

I'll just say this now... Today's the premiere in London!! I know! We can finally see the movie!! And meet all the fans out there too!!

With a 'ding' the door opened.

'Wow...' We gasped.

We stepped out into the middle of a long (and I mean long) marble corridor.

The employee lead us towards the end of the corridor where there was a big door.

'Please enjoy.' He said, bowing as he opened the door for us.

'Thank you.' We all said and entree the ginormous room.

There were quite few people there already. Jo, Chris, David, Dan, Rupert, Tom, Matt, Alfred and Maggie were some of them.

'Heyyy!!!' Dan, Rupert, Tom, Matt and Alfred said at once when they saw us.

'Heeeyyyyy!!' We chanted as we walked towards them.

We greeted each other with usual hugs.

'Excited for the movie?' Dan asked us.


'Why do you think we need to come here aaages before the actual thing?' Rupert said.

'That's what Emma's been saying.'

'Once!' Emma raised her eyebrows. 'And says you!'

'I thought you were alright with mornings.'

Dan said, looking at me.

'I am. It's just I don't like being woken up before the time I was thinking to.'

'It was half an hour!'


She rolled her eyes.

'Congrats for winning your comp, by the way.' Tom said to me.

'Thank you.' I smiled.

'What comp?' Matt asked.


'How did you go?' Alfred said.

'I came first.'

'Wow. Good job.'


Then David came up to us.

'Hello Sakura, Emma, Bonnie.'

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