Chapter 2

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Song suggestion : Poisonous Shadows by Megadeth

James P.O.V

We finally arrived at our hotel in late evening. As we moved our stuff to our rooms. Yes we are wealthy rockstars but we don't waste too much money on hotel rooms and that's why me and Jason are sharing a room tonight. I sigh bitterly as I remember Jason. He came and ruined my good mood all the way. And I disappointed myself with overthinking even more. Gotta admit it, he was right. We were actually playing like shit and needed to recover from 2 months of touring without any break. My vocal chords are fucked. Why did he even mention my voice? Maybe because I'm the lead singer. But no, why should he even care about me? The kid's just off to flowers. We give him hell and he smiles back all shinny. After Cliff' loss, nothing grew to be like the past. Griefe changed us all. When Jason first joined the band, we really gave him hell. All of us. He was doing what Cliff used to do. He was using my brother's amp. It was all wrong to me. As time passed, things started to change. Kirk was the first person to accept Jason as his friend. He still plays pranks on him but they're just pranks. I kinda envy him. Wait Hetfield, what did you just say?! It's probably the lack of sleep. After Kirk, Lars opened up to Jason. They fight a lot and Lars always wins but..Let's say they're cool with eachother. It's been 3 years but I still can't get over it. I just can't connect with him. Every single move of him makes me angry. Jason annoys me in wierd ways. Like when I call him a loser and he just smiles back. Or when I don't talk to him for days and he still helps my drunken ass to get up and leave the bar. Deep down, I really don't hate him, I never did. It's just something that holds me back. Because me and Jason are far from ok. As I enter my room (our hotelroom?) I hit his shoulder and growl. He must know that he made me angry and he should apologize. Jason mumbles something like "what the fuck". Who cares anyways, as long as he dosen't talk to me I'm ok. Soundcheck's in 20 minuts so I still got time for a beer. I open the fridge and take out a fresh beer. As he hears me opening the can he risens his head to me. His mouth opens to say something but then closes it again. Like he decides not to talk. I ignore Jason's wierd reaction and take a long drag from the booz. He shakes his head and let out a sigh. Then gets up, picks his bass and leave. I close my eyes to the sound of  the door closing. It's funny how I knew what Jason was gonna say. He was probably trying to say "James drinking ice cold beer will fuck up your fucked up vocal chords even more and then you'll sound like a dying chicken and embaress us infront of our fans." Well exept the last part. I crushed the empty can in my hands. I really should stop overthinking and move my ass before Lars chops my head off.As I exit the shity hotel room I remember that we were supposed to go to stadium with a limo and...where was the damn limo? A wave of rush starts to boil up in me when suddenly I feel a hand on my back and quickly turn around; just to see Jason. "Easy there, tough man. The other two took the limo to fuck with our heads so I took a cab." His face motion is calm and he looks less tired. I just shake my head and follow him. I really don't have the energy to fight with Jason, at least not now. He may take the cab then I have to walk to soundcheck like a fucking loser. Then maybe I'll see Dave Mustain in a golden limo laughing at me. And all newspapers will say "Metallica's frontman walked to soundcheck like a dumb old giraffe,here's a photo of his ass. Let's laugh at him". And then Metallica gets disbanded because of the humilation. And I'll die alone on streets. Fucking hell James! What the fuck is wrong with you just take the damn cab. I let out another shaky sigh. Jason pats my back but when I shot him a stare he removes his hand. Why? Was he scared of me or did I look so fucked up and scary? Dammit. Nevermind. I shut my mind and let silence win. Tonight is the last show of this week so we have at least 2 days off.I let my head fall back and close my eyes. Tonight's the last show. Yeah. We can have 2 days off. I feel my senses fade away and suddenly, There's nothing to worry about. Little by little I start seeing different visions. I see fire burning a house down. That's..That's my house. That is where I lived with my mom, my sister. No, I shouldn't let it burn! I try to run, but I'm stuck. My hands are tied. I scream as I watch the house turn to ashes. My memories, my mom...All gond. All lost in time. I just fall to ground and cry my lungs out. That's when I see snakes aproaching me. What is happening?! Am I dying? I shout out for help but there's noone. I yell again and again. A light shadow reachs me but I can't look up. The sun's blinding me, but I know who this shadow belongs to. "Cliff?" I choke. "Cliff, help me" I look up and finally see his face. And it terrifies me. His eyes are dead. No emotion to be seen. I yelp and struggle. Tears fall down like pouring rain on my cheeks. "Cliff, we were brothers you remember?"
"You could've saved me." His tone brings shiver down my spine. It's cold. It's painfull. It's toturing. "I'd give my life if I had a chance to bring you back!" I cry out. "James, You could've saved me. You could've saved the others." As He says this words, I feel my lungs give in. I can't breath. It's like a grip of death. My vision's blurred with tears. There's a sirene in my ears that deafens me. My musceles go numb, my head spins. I choke a cry as I my face hits the ground. I give in as I breath one final word "No.."

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