Chapter 4

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Song Suggestion : Hero Of The Day by Metallica

James P.O.V

"Goodnight Fuckers! We'll come back soon again!" I shout into the mic and the crowd cheers their goodbyes. Kirk and Jason throw guitar pics, Lars' drumsticks fly over people and I pour beer on them.

10 more minuts and we finally leave the stage. Adrenallin's still pumping high in our vains.

Tonight's show was better than the last one. Well at least most of it. I messed up the intro of Fade to black.

I couldn't help it, my mind just flew to that doomed dream. It hasn't left my mind since evening. I zone out from time to time. Dammit Hetfield, get a grip will ya?

We wrap the towels around our sweat soaked bodies. Lars and I grab two beers and Kirk goes with old style Jack Daniels. Oh where's Jason's orange juice? Fucking pussy. He's drinking water. You hear me? Water! They didn't name us Alcoholica for drinking water! I really want to punch him right now but nevermind.

I actualy owe him one for not telling everyone about the evening. Guess what guys, Hetfield nearly pissed himself for a bad dream hahaha. Fucking funny because I nearly did.

I don't even want to think about it. All I want now is to shower, drink and a groupie. Everyone's light headed so the arena's filled with laughter.

Kirk's flirting with some red headed chick while Lars sniff's two lines of snow white. Jason has probably went to shower like the loser he is. When was the last time he used drugs? Oh righy an etirnity ago.

He prefers hippie dippie life. Y'know, shit Acid, LSD or weed. That's where we get divided. He believes in 'Peace, love, rock n' roll' while I go with 'sex, drugs, rock n' roll'.

I get another beer bottle and start drinking it. Soon I feel dizzy too. I fall back into a chair or something and there's this beautiful blonde winking at me. And Im drunk. I need to get distracted.

I smile back and she walks to me. "Hey, Im Alena, you should be Jamie, right?" She slurs drunkenly. I smirk and lower my head to reach her dolly face. "I don't remember my name, but maybe we can find out." She shivers with lust as I whispere into her ear. "I think we shall find out" Alena bites her bottom lip.

I take her hand and lead her to one of the rooms. It's used for keeping used and broken amps so noone's gonna intrupt us. As I slam the door shut, she captures my lips with hers. It's wild and hungry. Her hands roam all over my back. She gets on top of me and all hell breaks lose. Im so gone wih lust.

I open my eyes with a loud groan. Oh man my head hurts like a motherfuck- It hasn't been literally 30 seconds since I've woken up and I curse nonstop. Jesus christ what the fuck. Dammit neverminf.

Where am I? I can feel the soft matteress under me but Im too lazy to look around. What happened last night? Oh right, April (Im sure it's not even her name) and I fucked, I came back to my compeletly drunk and naked. Wait..Naked!

"Fuck!" I shout with my sexy morning voice that sounds like a dying chicken. I sit up in my bed with a rush. There should be one Jason Newsted in this damn room because we share this room.

I look around but he's nowhere to be seen. I cover my lower body with white sheets and stand up.

I look out of the window. People are in streets living their ususal boring life. It should be noon. The clock shows 12 pm. Fuck. I find a pair of boxers and put on the first pair of jeans I can find. Then I grab my Motörhead shirt and wear it. Fuck a jacket because I don't know.

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