Chapter 11

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Song Suggestion : Wiped Out! by The Neighborhood

James P.O.V

"Lovey?" A voice calls out. A sweet voice that only belongs to..  "Mom?" I yell. No answere, just the endless white, motionless and lifeless. I blink and call her again.

"Mom it's me!" I cry out as I see her standing long away from me. I run to her and hug her tight. I feel her warmth, her calming scent, her presence.

"James, I love you." She says as she faces me, her eyes shiny and bright. My tears start to fall down.
"No you don't." I whispere. Her hand reaches mine.
"I do, you're my dearest son." She says but I cut her words and pull my hand away.

"No you don't, you fucking liar. If you loved me, why'd you leave me!?" I shout back. Her beautiful eyes get teary.

"I had no other way." She says. "You could cure yourself! I was 15 Mom. I was 15! I will never forgive you Mom. I knew nothing and you made me face life all alone mom." I yell and cry, broken sobs leaving my mouth.

She starts to burn down, and I fall to my knees. There's nothing but burnt ashes around me. Everything gets dark and it drowns me. My vision goes blurry and black.

A horried gasp brings me back to life as I wake up breathing fast and hard. My ears keep ringing. I look around and find myself in my bunk. I can hear some faded voices but I can't hear them clear. I sigh and bring a hand over my face and I realize my eyes are wet. Fuck. The terrifying dream comes to my mind again.

I feel my chest ache when I remember my mother. Why did I yell at her? I never used to yell at my mother. She came to show me her love and I made her beautiful blue eyes cry. But it's not my fault that she left me right!? She could stay. She could stay and raise his son the way she wanted. She could've...ugh.

I rest my hands on my knees and stare at my fingers shaking. My hands clinch into a fist. Fuck it all. This shity drinking habbit got me so fucked up.  When my ears stop ringing I take a deep breath and decide to get out of my own hell. The bus's trembeling as usual, the sound of the engines banging in my head.

I close my eyes and frown as the sunlight blinds me. I stumble over and fall on my knees. Fuck I hate being hungover after a great night of drinking.

"Hey Hetfield, need a hand?" Lars's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up and take his hand.

"You look like shit." Lars greets. I eye him a "fuck off Ulrich" and head to our 5 star high class toilet, succesfully I don't fall down this time. After throwing my guts up and trembeling with weakness, I wash my face.

I hear my mom's words. She always used to tell me that The brightest flame burns the quickest. I give out a bitter laughter, maybe you're right mom. Maybe Im near the end, Im only months away from being 27. I can see the newspapers headline cristal clear : "Alcohol kills Metallica's James Hetfield, the new member of the 27 Club."

Great! I just have to keep myself alive 'till my birthday so I can die in the right time. I shake my head. I get out and see Kirk passed out on a sit, his head sticking to the window, a beer can in his hand. Lars's in his shorts with his sunglasses on, reading some sort of rock magazine.

I massage my temples and sit beside Lars.  God my head hurts. Lars snorts as my stomach growls. "There's some shity sandwitch left in my bunk." He says and pushes his hair behind his ear. "Im so fucked man.." I mumble. Lars finally takes his eyes off that stupid magazine and faces me.

"Fucked up? I offer you to take a look at your right." Lars says. I know he's talking about Kirk.

"Is he alive?" I say looking at Kirk's motionless body shaking slightly as the bus trembles.

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