Chapter 16

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Song Suggestion : Yosemite by Lana Del Rey

Jason P.O.V

Days and weeks pass by in such a rush. The tour's counting on its last days, soon it'll be over. I sigh and grab my beer, sipping it, giving out a pleased hum as it burns its way down. Another successful show, here I am sitting with tiredness, feeling boneless and knocked out.

James's loud laughter echoes in the room. I smile and finish my beer as James tries to walk his way to me between the crowd of groupies and the chaos going on. Now, me and James are on a complete different page from what we used to be.

We grew to become closer, finding comfort and kindness in eachother, joy in our smiles and desire in our touchs. We tried to keep the little thing going on hidden from everyone but of course, Kirk's been acting a little more suspicious lately. And Lars, well I bet he wants me dead. He believes I'm stealing his best friend. And he hates me for it, to death. God, he teases me all the time.

Usually I'd have gone to talk with Lars but right now, he can literaly fuck off. James stumbles forward and spills all his wine on my half naked body.
"Shittttt Newsted, you' tr..trouble baby." James slurs and laughs. I can't help but laugh as well, its just the alchohol.

I stand up, now with my sticky wine-smelling chest and leave to find something to wipe it off. My head spins and I smash into one of the dirty walls, making everyone laugh. I try to walk out, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I bump into some roadies on my way.

Finally I get in the toilets, washing the sticky red liquid off my chest with cold water. My neck hurts like a bitch, my head feels heavy and my heartbeate rate isn't planning on coming down from its high. I gasp scared as someone covers my mouth and shoves me into one of the lockers. I try to scream but then my eyes widen as I see James holding me still.

"Shhhhhhh" he hissed at me and locks the door.
I remove his hand from my lips.
"I nearly shit my pants!" I say and take a deep breath. James shoots me a drunk smile and presses me to the wall. I groan and try to set free myself from his grip.
"You're drunk, I'm drunk, we're..we're fucked like..what if someone walks in?" I slur and look at his blue ocean eyes.
"Fuck them." He says and then covers my lips with his. Soon our slow drunk kiss has turned into the aggressive teeth-clicking lust filled ones.

James moves to my neck and starts kissing and biting. A muffled quiet moan leaves my lips.
"Fuck- fuck Jase I need you so bad." James breathes desperately against my skin. It makes me burn, the way his hot breath melts me, my nerves are on fire. Alchohol only fucks up everything further more.

I long to feel him close to me, as close as possible. My hands move on his face and I bring his lips to mine once again. I don't fucking care if anyone catchs us, hell I'm too gone to care.
"I want you too." I slur against his thin lips and brush my hand over the buldge on his pants.
"Fuck." James breaths and places kisses over my shoulder. My heart explodes with every move. I close my eyes and grin with satisfaction.


I groan and open my eyes. The terrible pain in my shoulder and head made me give out a whimper as I shift in my place. A hand's holding me in place. I look and find James sleeping messy soundly by my side, his hand wrapped around my waist, His mouth's slight open, drooling on the pillow. His hair messy, all around his face and shoulders. I smile as I remember what happened last night.

Making out in shity places like bathrooms and toilets can be fun. It's not like we always get a room for ourselves y'know. I place a light kiss on James's back and free myself from his grip. He dosen't even move, damn he must be hella hungover.

I stumble my way to the shity bathroom. Last night was all a blur. I don't even know how we made it to our room. Washing my face, the sight of massive hickey greets me. It looks purple and blue, right between my neck and my shoulder. I wonder if its a hickey or James basically took a bite out of me. I snort and get out the loo to wake him up.

Ever since that night in the bar, we've been like this. Wake up, flirt, fuck, drink, eat, shit, flirt, fuck, practice, fight with Lars, drink, show time, drink, drink, flirt, fuck, drink, drink, drink... Yeah, that's basically how it's going. And who am I to complaine. We make love here and there, we kiss in the darkness, dirty storage rooms, the corner of crowded bars, we love in a world of fears and fogged glasses.

Sometimes I ask myself...what are we. Are we boyfriends? Are we freaks? Are we what people say..friends with benefits? Horny rockstars? What are we? Does he feel the same like I do? Does he get goosbumps when he touches me like I do? But then I just shake my head. His goofy laughter at my lame jokes shows it all. I don't want to push anything on him. We can..we can take our time right?

I sit on the edge of the bed and mess up his already messed up hair.
"James? Wake up we're late."
He groans and turns his back to me. "Come on baby, we gotta go."Another tired groan.
"Five more minutes." James's voice comes out raspy and muffled. I smile and get up.
"We don't have time, get up you grumpy boy" I say and pull the sheets off him. The sudden coldness makes him curl into a ball. I laugh at the sight.
"I hate you. Stop..stop laughing it's too loud." James says and sits up, absolutely knocked out and fucked up.
"You're getting old." I say.
"shut up.." he says.

We get ready and meet up with the boys in the bus. Everything's kinda the same, well expect Kirk's sidecuts hairstyle. His curls fall messy on his face, his glasses placed nerdish on his face. Childlike but beautiful, if you ask me. I make sure noone notices me, then I join James in his bunk bed.

There's a jäger in his hand as he greets me with a dumb faded smile. I sit next to him in disappointment.
"Barely had breakfast." I say, pointing at the liqueur in his hand. James shakes his head.
"Nevermind." He says and takes a drag. "I'm a mess anyways." He mumbles afterwards. I kiss his cheek lightly and smirk.
"Well you're my favourite type of mess." I say and take the bottle from his hand, drinking a bit. It burnes it's way down.
"Y'know you suck at flirting." James says and snorts. My cheeks turn red in embarrassment. "Keep it up, I like it." James says and looks at me.

We share a quick kiss before the bus turnes a sharp turn, smashing our bodies together.
"Fucking hell..the fuck's wrong with this driver?" James frowns.
"Chill James, it's just the road." I say and rest my head on his shoulder.
"It's always the fucking road.." I hear him murmur. And it makes me sigh with sadness because I know exactly what he's talking about.

I never blamed James for the way he's turned out today. I mean, maybe I should. But sometimes, the grief in his eyes when they talk about Cliff, or the crack in his voice when he mentions him, it reminds me of how he's still mourning over his loss. Sometimes I forget how he hates life on road. It took someone away from him that nothing and noone can replace.

"Nothing bad's gonna happen." I say and caress his back with one hand.
"I mean, nothing bad is going to happen to you or anyone, James. It's gonna be alright. Shit happens all the time but..were gonna make through it." I try to reassure him.
James rests his chin on my shoulder and nods, holding my body still in his arms as the bus trembles it's way on the road.

"I just don't want to lose anyone again. It's a strange fear you carry your whole life and suddenly, it grips your throat, makes you choke with your own thoughts." He says.
"Noone's going anywhere, I promise you that." I say and look at him. His eyes look glassy, shining blue like a calm sky after a storm. I crook out a smile and try to kiss his worries away, making him believe that I'm never leaving his side.

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