Chapter 18

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Song Suggestion : Nothing Else Matters by Metallica (slowed and reverbed)

James P.O.V

The walk to the hotel was silent, the four of us trying to settle down as soon as possible, getting some good rest before going to warm up for the show.

We got our room keys and divided our path, each one going to one room and closing the door behind us. Bob got us four rooms, so here I am standing alone in the middle of this shity hotel room, my head stomping and my limbs dizzy.

I fall on the soft mattress on the bed, closing my eyes and groaning. Something's missing, something's not right- oh. Jason's not here.

So stupid how I'm used to his presence wherever I go, He must be there. and now that he isn't here by my side, I feel..alone. I don't need Jason, I never needed anyone in my life, I want him. and maybe I afraid of being alone once again.

I had enough time to think about us, I tried so much to ignore and kill whatever is going on between us, but at the end those grey eyes always haunt me down.

He makes me feel something I didn't feel before. He makes me feel attachment. Something I lost after my mother's loss. He dosen't judge me, he dosen't think of me weak when I'm at my weakest point. He makes me feel home.

I sigh, thinking about Jason made me even miss him more. Shall I call him, maybe we can take a shower together..and maybe we can..Ugh nevermind he must be tired. Specially after all the shit that happened.

I touch the cold metal of cliff's ring and take a deep breath. Sorrow fills my heart as I remember how he used to be. Im fucking sure he'd love Jason, maybe they could even be friends. A chuckle leaves my mouth, they'd probably play bass together talking about music theory and shit for hours and hours.

I run my fingers through my hair and get up &take off my clothe, hopefully a warm shower will help me get rid of my heavy thoughts. I take off my chain neckless and place it on my bed, along side with my rings and Cliff's beloved skull ring.

I enter the shower and give out a loud sigh as the warm water runs down from my body, easing my muscles. My head falls back on the wall as I try to enjoy the heat. A fog has risen in the air, the smell of cheap hotel shampoo filling my lungs.

I wash my hair, massaging my scalp and humming along to Neil Young's Heart Of Gold. After washing my body and taking plenty of time just staring at the white wall infront of me, I step out with a towel around my waist and another one on my wet hair.

The clock shows 4:40. I quickly dress up and leave for Jason's room. A single thought crosses my mind that, what if someone catches me going to Jason's room? Fuck it. It's just me and my bandmate chilling and drinking, right? I come back to my room, grab two cold fresh beer from the fridge and finally leave for Jason's.

I knock loudly on his door, hurried. I clear my throat. "Hey Newkid, open the fucking door."

After a few moments, Jason opens the door with a towel wrapped around his curly auburn damp hair, wearing a ripped washed off blue jean and nothing else. He smiles, more likely a faded grin as he let me in.

I close the door with a rush behind me and capture his lips hungrily, making our teeth cling together as I put my other hand on his back, pressing his body to mine.

He gives out a shocked noise but then joins me and wraps his hands around my neck. I devour his lips, trying to feel him the best I can. We eventually break the kiss, both out of breath.

"Wow." Jason says and chuckles, his cheeks slight red. I smile and put the beers on his bed. He picks up his towel from the ground and throws it on his luggage.

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