Chapter 17

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(A/N : I wrote this while feeling terribly down so I hope you don't mind a little drama. Sorry lol)

Song Suggestion : Paragon by Soen

3rd Person P.O.V

The bus trembled heavily, beneath it  the torn away asphalt slippery and icy. Lars's body shook limb against the cheap mattress, deep asleep, not knowing about the chaos mood outside his curtains. Somehow he managed to sleep anywhere at any situation, James always joked about that.

What James didn't know was the Dane's endless tiredness. On the other hand, Kirk shook with fear under a worn out blanket, his breathes fast and uneasy. A whimper left his mouth as the bus shook again. He couldn't calm his mind down, not after what happened to his friends.

Jason, aware of what was about to happen took a deep breath and decided to push away the blanket on him and took a hand in his hair. He left James's bunk a while ago and he was hoping that his words has had calmed down the hurricane in James's heart. Seemed like the universe loved to prove him wrong.
Heavy footsteps echo in his mind as James's apereantly drunk voice rings in his ears.

"Hey you old fu..fucker, the fuck's going on?" James shouted.
"Nothing the road's just a little icy." The driver said back careless, turning his eyes on the road again.
James's brain screamed danger. "S..slow the fuck down!" Another angry yell.

Other footsteps were heard but Kirk was too scared to move in his place and see the owner. Another big tremble. Kirk shut his eyes and brought his hand to his ears, like a scared lost boy.
"Please not again. Not again. Please not again." Kirk mumbled to himself terrified. Maybe he was overreacting, but he just couldn't think straight at that moment. Everything seemed cold and bloody. Time was a river, drowning him back into the depths of of fear and pain.

Outside the curtains, Jason was standing infront of James to keep him from falling, trying to calm the him down. But James just couldn't let it happen, he shoved Jason's body away in drunken rage and walked fast towards the driver, his fists ready for a nice fight. Jason ran after him, trying to hold him back and most importantly take the jäger away from his hand.

He knew James was drunk, he knew how he could kill someone in rage. And most importantly, he knew how scared and horrified James was deep down inside.
"James please calm down stop!" He said out loud, holding James's arm in his.
"let..let go off me!" James yelled and gripped the steering wheel.

"What the fuck are you doing! You mad man!" The driver shouted. Jason grabbed James's arm with full strength and shoved him back, making him stumble and fall. That only made James more angry but then a voice stoped him. "JAMES FUCKING STOP IT" it was Kirk. Face pale, hands shaking, eyes bloodshot. His whole body was shaking like a leaf.

"Kirk?" James said in worry. The image infront of him seemed to bring a shock through his system.
"Stop the fucking car!" Jason shouted, making the bus pull over and stop. The driver started nagging nonstop, calling them names.

Not caring even one bit, Jason rushed to Kirk's side.
"Dude you ok?" Jason asked worriedly, Kirk did not answere back. His brain couldn't give a proper answere.
"Help me get him some fresh air." Jason said loud enough to make James stand up fast, despite of being drunk. They took Kirk outside the bus, the weather chilling their bones, freezing cold and merciless. James helped Kirk sit, trying to calm his breathing.

It hurt him more than anything seeing his brother in such fragile position. Once again his blood boiled to go and kill that stupid bus driver with his bare hands. But again, Jason's voice stopped him.
"Kirk can you talk? Say something please." Jason said,  putting his hands on Kirk's shoulders.
"I think.. I'm going to throw..up." he said between shaky breathes.
"It's okay buddy" Jason turned to James 
"James, baby I'm going in to bring a bottle of water ok? Help him out ok? I'll be right back. " He said and disappeared in the bus.

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