Chapter 15

660 26 47

Song Suggestion : Hey Now by London Grammar

James P.O.V

The sunlight is leaking from the curtain falls, blinding my eyes with a deep white light and bringing warmness and life to the cold room. I cover my eyes with my hand and try to get back my vision . It takes me sometime to see clear., the hungover makes my head spin.

I look down and find Jason sleeping soundly on my chest, arms locked around my back. His auburn hair spread over me like fire burning me down. He looks just as majestic as the painting of Lucifer, so beautiful. His skin pale against my sunburnt flesh, like puzzle pieces matching perfectly. It's almost electric. The way my heart jumps in my throat and blood rushes into my veins, making me want to jump out of my skin and scream all around.

He spent the night in my embrace. We fell asleep together. Fell asleep or..blacked out? I can't tell. My brain suddenly screams it out. We didn't only sleep together, we shaved our hairs, drank together, we kissed. We showed love. Wow what the fuck.

My temporary peace fades into a wave of panic. What if someone walks in right fucking now? I'm not gay! No fuck what will the press say!? I suddenly sit up in my place, making Jason wake up scared and terrified as the cold air hits my formerly warm skin.

"What! What's going on?" He mumbles sleepy. Fuck you James Hetfield for waking him up like this. Fuck you and your stupid thoughts.

"Nothing nothing I just..y'know I have to piss man." I say and stand up, leaving Jason dazed and confused with my shity fake excuse. As I enter the bathroom a pile of hair greets me. Looking at them, memories fly by.

Into that dim light, Jason looked flawless. I couldn't let him do it alone. I don't even regret shaving my hair, since it fits me. I shake my head and splash the cold water on my face, awakening my senses further more. I stare at my reflection. What should I tell Jason now. Hey Jase fuck you, last night was all an accident and you're fired if you breath a word of it. No, I can't. I know it wasn't an accident. It was what my heart desired the most. It was what I was craving for crazily.

I close my eyes and sigh. It wasn't an accident. I get out and decide not to talk about it. If he mentions it then..then I guess I'll just ignore him or deny it. Fuck I can't ignore him now can I? Denial all the way. But that dosen't make sense either..ugh I hate to think.

Jason's now sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands, breathing in and out in a calm rythm. He notices me walking in, looks up and shots a crooked smile at me. "Morning." He simply says. I look away and mumble a quiet 'morning' back. 

" ok?" Jason says doubtfull.
"Yeah just hungover." Now, I wasn't THAT hungover, That amount of alcohol seemed like my daily breakfast routine. Still, I can't unsee the banging in my head. He sighs, giving up trying to talk to me and leaves to the bathroom. I close my eyes and clinch my first.

I put on my tank top and socks on, getting ready for the day. The clock shows 8:30 , surprised how Lars hasn't taken hell out on me yet. Someone knocks on the door as Jason comes outa the loo. I open the door.

"Hey Hetsex" Lars grins and walks in without any permission. I sigh and open a beer.
"How comes you're not shitfaced?" Lars asks as he sits on the bed.
"Dunno. Guess I was too tired to get shitfaced." I try to make up the best stupid sentence ever.
"liar. oh good morning Newfag- Woah!" Lars suddenly shouts in surprise and I look back to see what causes him react like this. Oh of course, Jason's hair is tied back in a pony tail and his shaved sides are showing beautifuly.

Lars probably didn't saw mine since my hair's falling loosely on my shoulders. Jason snorts as he greets Lars.
"Does it look good?" He says and wears his shirt.
"Fuck no, you look like the stupidest dumbass ever, just wait till you put your glasses on. You did it last night, didn't ya?" Lars responds.
"Actually, we both did." Jason says as he looks at me and smirks. Lars's head spins so fast I swear I heard his neck bone crack.

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