An Ashin Story (Part One)

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April 19, 2017

Get ready for some Ashin!



There I was, laying down on my bed as I tried to relax. The problem was that I couldn't. I was tensed, my eyes darting around the room as if waiting for something or someone to jump out. Actually, that's exactly why I was tensed.

Finally, it happened. Ursa was on passive mode and even if she had been out, I didn't think I would've heard someone sneak up on me so quietly. The sound had been loud enough for me to sense that she was there. I knew she did that on purpose.

As soon as I heard the sound, I rolled off my bed and immediately got up to face my attacker who had landed on my bed, a stick that acted as her sword, was in her hands.

"Really Ash?" I exclamed, "Where did you even come from?"

"From the window," she said, gesturing towards my now-open window.

"Are you crazy? From your window to mines?!"

She grinned, that grin that I have come to know so well. That very same grin that meant she was about to do something that you do NOT want to be her opponent at the moment. Unfortunately, I AM that opponent.

"It's called, psychotic, my friend," she said, twirling her stick-sword all fancy-like, "You should know that."

I quickly snatched up my own stick-sword that lay on my table and I managed to raise it to block Ash's attack. She started swinging that stick-sword while all I could do was block her attacks, dodge and roll out the way.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't afraid to hurt her cause that's just impossible to do. I was afraid to lose my own head!

As I duck one blow and blocked another, I know that she could've done things much faster. If she had been on full-Ash mode on me, i'd have died on the first hit. Recently, Ash had been "training" me on how to use a sword. Olvan had thought that it would've been a "great" idea to have my best friend teaching me. Yet of course, he didn't know about these secret "training sneak attacks".

"You're getting better with the sword," a pause as I ducked another blow, "Stick-sword anyway."

"You're getting harder on me," I muttered, taking a step back as Ash did a swing.

Ash smirked at me, "Griffy, this is just my easy mode."

(A/N: That nickname was hard to write)

My eyes quickly darted to my chair. My plan was simple. Jump over it as Ash follows then kick it towards her. Seems stupid yet I was getting tired of blocking. I quickly darted my eyes elsewhere so she wouldn't get suspicious. I suppose I didn't fool her.

One swing of her sword and I was off, running towards the chair. Stepping up to the seat, I jumped over, landing on the other side. Everything seemed to go on slow-motion as I whirled around, Ash already over the chair. I suppose it was luck because I never would've done that on my own.

My stick-sword was transported to my left hand as it met Ash's sword. My right hand immediately reached for her same arm and I pulled her down before she'd even landed. Unfortunately...I was pulled down with her.

I had her pinned down to the floor, both of us breathing heavily, until I was suddenly aware that her green eyes were suddenly so close to mines. Our faces were only mere inches away. I tensed, realizing my mistake as I made a move to get up.

Ash grabbed my arm with her free hand, "Don't."

Heck I DON'T even know what to do yet I stopped. I didn't know how long we've been staying on that position, me on top of her. I was suddenly aware of how stunningly beautiful her green eyes were, as if I could stare in them all day...and i'm getting all metaphorical. Better stop before I say something like "drowning into the depths of her eyes".

I didn't know if I moved my head or something because her face was suddenly getting closer to mines. Probably me since I was on top of her. I didn't know if it was my heart that's beating loudly or hers. Our lips were only centimeters away but I hesitated, only for a moment.

Ash had been my best friend ever since I met her here in Greenhaven. We've known each other for so long...I didn't know when my feelings for her began. Yet here we were, about to kiss. This could change our whole entire relationship in two ways. Either it's the greatest thing that has ever happened or it's the biggest mistake i've ever done. [Rob says that he is about to leave before he starts barfing up his morning tea.]

So I just thought, 'Screw it.'

I leaned in...

...and we kissed.


-Author's Notes-

WHO SAYS IT'S OVER?! That's just part-one. *laughs evilly* I'm thinking...


Just a thought...

Next Part: An Ashin Story (Part Two)

Griff belongs to Me
Ashley belongs to Ash and Kopa

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