Who Am I: Chapter Two (Griff's Backstory)

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April 28, 2017

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Who Am I

Chapter Two - Major



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-2 years later-

I walked through the busy streets of Concorba, trying to hurry as fast as I could.


"So you didn't join the Greencloaks... why?" I remembered being questioned.

"I..." I hesitated. Should I tell them?


I glanced back at the small piece of crumpled paper in my hands and read, 'Bluestone Inn.' I should be getting closer. Unless I passed it...


"If you're going to join our group, you'll need to learn to trust us," the man told me.

"But...could I trust you?"

"You must learn to trust us," the man nodded, "or else we wouldn't be able to trust you."

I hesitated a moment more before saying, "It's about my mother..."


I finally came across a building with the words, 'Bluestone Inn' carved on the hanging piece of wooden plank above the door. My hand immediately flew into my small messenger bag, feeling the rolled-up scroll inside. I then entered the building before spotting the man that matched the description I was given.

I walked towards him and sat down on the chair across from him, "Are you...Fred?" I still didn't get why he chose that as his incognito...

(A/N: Hmm, this seems familiar...)

The man, 'Fred', grinned at me, "That's me alright."

"Um okay. Now about this group-"

Fred then extended his arm, gesturing for something. I sighed before handing him a bag filled with coins given to me to take to him.


"She died on a quest and my father disappeared, though people said he most likely died," I went on, telling him my story, "I didn't want to join them but at the same time, Ursa and I wanted to help save Erdas...you could say. And I heard- I was wondering-"

"If we'd accept you," the man finished the sentence for me, "Tell me, kid. What's your father's name?"


Fred took the bag, opening it and grinning in satisfaction, "Ask away."

"They said you hold information about this group?" I asked him.

"Ah yes, some talk about a poison to erase memory," Fred answered, "Some group called X."

I leaned forward, quickly glancing around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, "This X...how dangerous are they?"

"Pretty dangerous. Heard they were allying themselves with another guy. Starts with a Z but I can't tell you that one."

"Do you know any other names you could tell me?"

"Hmm, some guy named Vhan Stephan," Fred thought for a minute, "And I believe there's one by the name Kane."


"His name is Kane Gray," I told him.

The man then looked at me with such intensity that it took all my will not to flinch, "If you would have to choose between saving your father or staying loyal to my group, what would you do? And I want your honesty about this."

I paused. I mean, I shouldn't care about my father right? He was never there for me, left me alone. Of course i'd stay loyal to this group, that's why I was here in the first place so why am I still hesitating?

'He's still your father,' an inner voice told me. I couldn't fully agree.

"I'll stay loyal to your group."

My honesty ended there. The lies began then.

The man then smiled at me, his eyes showing a hidden secret, "Welcome to the Red Spies, Major."

Ursa Major.


I froze when I heard that name.

The man then got up and sighed, "Welp, i'm done. Good luck on your...search." He grinned at me one last time before walking out.

I stayed for another couple minutes. Surely he meant another Kane. Surely that couldn't be him. I mean, what would he be doing making such poison?

I then thought back to when I first joined the group. When I became Major.

Had he known all along?


Next: Who Am I: Chapter Three - A Friend

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