{Finale} Who Am I: Chapter Four (Griff's Backstory)

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April 28, 2017

Who Am I {Finale}
Chapter Four - Erased



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-1 Year Later-

Rob and I were currently trudging through the dense forests of one of the Hundred Isles. We were trying to find the village in the island, only to discover that the path going there was tricky and hard. Apparently, one of our spies from the Hundred Isles had important information and we've been on the area, trying to sail to Eura.

"I don't get why we have to do this," Rob muttered, "Why can't the spy just send a letter?"

"Maybe it's too long to write on paper," I shrugged.

"They can just send multiple birds," Rob argued.

"We're here now so stop complaining."

Well, as you can see, Rob had decided to join the Red Spies, taking the name, Silent. You can say that we're somewhere between acquaintances and friends. I'd call him a friend but he "doesn't have friends nor does he want to."

As we continued to walk some more, Rob suddenly halted into a stop, "Wait."

I stopped and looked back at him, "What?"

"Something's...something's not right," Rob replied, looking around warily, "Hex just spotted something."

That's not something you really want to hear, especially when you're in the middle of a jungle.

"What is it?"

As soon as I said that, everything happened so fast. Two figures suddenly dropped on Rob, knocking him out. I felt a pain at the back of my head and the world blacked out.

- - -

"Are you sssssssure he'sssss the one?"

"I'm positive."

I groaned, the back of my head still throbbing in pain from the blow.

"Sir, he's waking."

I opened my eyes and the world started to spin around me again. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening it, forcing myself to focus.

I was in a dark room, shadows of figures all around me. I was sitting on a simple wooden chair, my hands behind my back. I tried to move them but I felt a clank. I was chained.

"Who are you?" I demanded, "Where am I? What did you do to my friend?"

"Your friend is none of our concern," the second voice, a man, answered, "Where you are won't matter but who we are will."

"Ssssso i'll be able to control hissss memoriessss with thisssss poisssson?" The first voice asked. It seemed to be coming from a man but the voice sounded like it came from a female.

"Yes, oh great Gerathon," the man answered, "As long as he drank the Bile."

Poison... Gerathon... Bile... memories...

Already, I knew where this was going, "You're that rebel group, X, isn't it?"

"Ze righta answer mi boy," another man spoke in this weird sounding accent.

"You're going to make me drink the Bile, aren't you?" I muttered.

The man grinned, "Yez ze smart one. You ze? We zest you wiz lady Gerathon Bile anda makede you ze spy."

"Yesssss," the other man hissed, "I heard you're a ssssspy and messssssenger for those Red Ssssspiessss."

My face paled. How did they know who the Red Spies were?

As if she or he could hear my thoughts, the spoke, "You ssssee. We have sssspiessss of our own. Not to mention i'm a Great Beassssst. I know all, even when i'm sssstuck in thisss prisssson. Hear my wordsssss boy, I will get out of thissss prisssson ssssoon."

I tried to move my arms again, but it was too tightly tied. I tried to move my feet but it was tied in chains as well. I was unarmed, still weak, outnumbered, and unable to summon Ursa. To sum it all up, i'm trapped.

The man, the second voice, walked up to me, carrying a flask.

I jerked my head away which only made the pain of my head throb harder, "Get that cursed Bile away from me!"

The man stopped right in front of me then bent till he was at eye level with me. His hair was dirty blonde. He had gray eyes, gray eyes that looked so familiar. There was a sad glint in it as if it pained him to do this.

"Look, son, there's no other way," his voice was gentle and familiar in a way, "Just drink."

"I refuse," I growled at him, "and don't you dare call me that!"

The sadness became clear in his eyes, "Forgive me."

I did all I could to fight drinking the Bile until arms held me down. The wretched-tasting liquid was forced down my mouth. As they removed it, I tried to cough it out but it was already done.

Already, I could feel a dark presence hovering in my mind. There's a change in me like I was trapped. As the arms let go of me, I had already stopped fighting.

I could hear a voice inside of my head, "A weakling... a coward... nothing but a traitor..."

"Ze Bile iz in," the man clapped his hands, "Now to zest ze poison."

The same man with gray eyes had a syringe on his hand. His hand shook, his eyes full of pain but he kept walking. I looked at him dully, a memory in my mind.

"Please remember Griff...i'll find you and i'll make things right again."

"It's you," I spoke, "Kane. My father."

I can feel the slight tremble in his voice, "Yes son."

I didn't say 'I hate you' or 'don't call me that' or 'i'm not your son.'

All I said was, "Well you found me. Just that you're making things worst."

"You don't understand..."

"Maybe not," I nodded, "but how can I when you were never there?"

He stiffened, "Forgive me."

Then he stabbed the syringe into my neck, making me yell in pain. My vision began spinning around, the world began dark. Memories, every single one of them, flashed into my eyes like I was dying. The names were disappearing, I forgot who I was.

A voice in my head, 'You're my sssspy now.'

My name is Griffin.

I blacked out.



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