{Finale} An Ashin Story (Part Three)

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August 4, 2017


-A Few Weeks Later-

I was sleeping.

Gee, Griff, what a nice way to start the long awaited part three to the Ashin Story.

Well, if you didn't know, I value my sleep A LOT. Maybe it was bear instincts or something but this was the most relaxing sleep I had in ages! And by ages I meant months which isn't that different if you put yourself into my shoes.

I guess it all started when I heard a knock on the door. I was still half-asleep so, as normal, I ignored it and drifted back to my dream. A couple more knocks and there was silence.

Peace at last...or so I thought.

I didn't hear any footsteps at all but I felt a weight on the part of the bed beside me. I ignored it.

The weight on my bed grew and I felt something tickling my nose. I tried to shake it off, thinking it was a fly but it kept on tickling my nose. Like, come on, leave my nose alone!

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a finger. The next thing I saw was a familiar face wearing that same old psychotic grin.

(A/N: Why is this word so hard to write? XD)

I jolted in fright, "What in the Rumfuss' bad grammar, are you doing in my room?!"

Ash let out an amused laugh, plopping down beside me on the bed, "You...you should've...seen your...face!" She laughed harder at my glare.

"Why exactly are you in my room?"

"Have you forgotten our lesson, Griffy?" She used that annoying nickname, "An attack can happen anytime."

I groaned, taking my pillow and covering my face, my words muffled, "Let me sleep."

"Now, now Griffy," she used that annoying nickname, "Don't hibernate like a Griffly bear."

I raised my head to look at her with disbelief, "Griffly bear?!"

She giggled, an unlikely sound from her as I groaned into my pillow once more.

"Come on, Griff, get up," then a note of mischief entered her tone, "I promise that if you managed to beat me, you'd get a prize."

With a swift move, I pulled out my hidden stick sword from under my bed pillow, flipped around and placed the sword at her neck, leaving her in stunned silence.

I smirked at her, "So, what were you saying about a prize?"

"That's not fair! I wasn't ready."

"Always be ready," I countered back with her own words, "An attack can happen anytime."

She pouted at me and I must admit, I found it kinda cute.

I leaned in closer so that I was somewhat on top of her, "The prize?"

Her pout slowly turned into a smile, "You choose."

And so I did. Though you'll have to hear it from Ash. Caaaauuuseee my i'm really tired and am writing this at midnight. So bai peeps!


The background is BOOTIFUL!

So if ya want to hear the ending, scroll down to the comments (unless Ash doesn't write it down XD).

Next up? A little something called Operation Ryler. Cause Ryler just has to happen

Later peeps!


Griff belongs to Me
Ash belongs to Ash

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