Chapter 1: DOWN RIGHT EVIL i

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, pictures and videos but I do own the plot.

Warning: A bit out of character.

Audio titled: THE WAY I AM

So Different
(Mr. Sunshine & Mr. Lightmoon)


"Mr. Zhang, this is the Captain speaking. We have reached our cruising altitude of thirty-five hundred feet and I expect smooth sailing until we reach Shanghai in approximately one hour."

Twenty nine year old Zhang Rishan nodded to himself as he took another sip from his wine glass, carelessly turning the gold band on his finger. It would be good to be home. The trip to Hong Kong had been successful and he was quite proud of the progress he had made.

But that wasn't why the normally emotionless man sat smirking by himself in his private airplane. The dark haired tycoon listened while two flight attendants argued over who would assist the President of Zhang Inc.

"No, no, no... did you see his face? That's the closest damn thing to a smile I have ever seen on his face and I've never been so damn scared in my life." The first whispered voice gushed.

"But you are the HEAD attendant... how many times have you said that to me?? Furthermore... it's not just scary. It borderline on evil." A second equally hushed voiced hissed.

Finally having had enough of their little conversation, Zhang Rishan turned around. "Ladies... I can hear you." His tone was barely above sub-freezing temperature. He almost laughed out loud as the blood drained from their faces and one had to reach out for the beverage cart to prevent herself from falling to the floor.

"You have nothing to worry about and I won't be requiring your services for this flight. Do make yourself scarce."

The two young ladies didn't need any more of an invitation.

Leaning back into his chair, Zhang Rishan thought about why he had taken this 'business' trip in the first place.


Every morning his personal assistant, Yin Nan Feng, presented him with a report summarizing his email and its contents. This morning included emails in regards to his upcoming trip to Hong Kong, which had yet to be scheduled, quarterly reports from several branches in the northeast and one email that could only be considered spam. Why the hell was Yin Nan Feng wasting her time with this?

"Oh, I know what you are thinking, old man, but I can't pretend to lose it again." Yin Nan Feng began while refilling Zhang Rishan's coffee cup.

"Again?" Zhang Rishan replied, dark eyebrow raised.

"Yes... this time you are going to have to sent someone. That man actually talked to Zhang Qi Shan about it. You know they go way back. Just pick a couple of suckers... I mean executive that won't miss and send them up there. Then you can go back to annoying him or ignoring him for a couple of years."

Zhang Rishan flipped through the folder to find the complete email and not just the summary. In glaring green letters the message read:

"Teamwork... YES! Send your executive to Mop's Youthful Spring Corporate Teamwork Retreat!" Followed by annoying details.

Zhang Rishan suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and felt a migraine begin from the effort.

"Right... anything to get this idiot off my back. But who do I send?"


Zhang Incorporated's head quarters are located in a fifteen story building in the middle of downtown Shanghai. The top floor of course belonged to the President of the company, Zhang Rishan.

Floor fourteen belonged to the two Vice President of the company, Zhang Qi Ling and Wu Xie.

And, truth be told, the situation put a whole new definition to "this town ain't big enough for you and me."

At the time of their hire, Zhang Qi Shan was still the acting President although he had long since given up most of his responsibilities to his second cousin. It went without saying that Zhang Qi Ling would be hired right out of college, but it was a surprise to both cousins when Wu Xie had been hired as well and given such a high position in the company.

After securing the two graduates into their new positions, Zhang Qi Shan retired and left Zhang Rishan to handle the aftermath. And by "aftermath", one should think of Hiroshima, New Orleans, post Hurricane Katrina or Marcy's day after Thanksgiving or the pandemic.

Zhang Qi Ling and Wu Xie did not get along. That might bear repeating... Zhang Qi Ling and Wu Xie DID NOT get along. Some would say that they were two different and of course tension would arise.

Zhang Qi Ling was tall, dark and devastatingly handsome. He was strong, silent type... okay, it went beyond silent. He didn't talk. He replied to nearly everything with different range of stares or nods. When a verbal response was absolutely necessary he gave his signature 'En'. He surrounded himself with people similar to himself or those who understood Zhang Qi Ling-ness. He was highly intelligent and his presence alone in a room demanded respect. Unlike his cousin who quaking in fear, Zhang Qi Ling gave off the dark, loner vibe that women and men flocked to in the hopes of being the man's 'one and only'. He had fan girls and boys since he was four years old and on the cover of "Money" with the rest of his family. Being raised Zhang and told he was perfect, intelligent and gorgeous had made Zhang Qi Ling cold to everyone. He didn't trust anyone and assumed, more correct than not, that everyone was after him for something and so he offered nothing. No one cracked the shell that was Zhang Qi Ling.

That was until Wu Xie.

Wu Xie was, in a phrase, a little ray of sunshine. Of course, no one would ever say that to his face. It turns out the 'sun' can be quite loud and maybe mildly violent when it's pissed off. His mop of dark brown framed a round, white face that housed wide brown eyes that contained all the turbulence and wonder of a storm in the dessert. He stood taller than most girls but a bit shorter than most boys. Much to his chagrin the word that was often used to describe him was 'cute' with occasional 'beautiful' tossed in for good measure. However, most people kept that to themselves because again, the 'sun' can be scary when it's angry. Unlike his dark haired counterpart, Wu Xie was the proverbial chatterbox. He liked nothing better than being surrounded by his friends and laughed more often than not. Wu Xie wore his emotion on his sleeve, his pant leg and on good days stapled to his forehead. He gave himself completely to everyone. He would stop everything to help a friend, an acquaintance or someone's third cousin twice removed and expect nothing in return. But throughout it all, when no one was around, the brilliant brown eyes would cloud over because deep down inside the sunshine act was just as effective as Zhang Qi Ling's stares and close off nods at keeping his heart safe from the outside world.

So, it was on the first day that the two young men moved in that they had their first confrontation.

So, it was on the first day that the two young men moved in that they had their first confrontation

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To be continued...

Author's Note: I always wanted to write modern story, so here it was. This story was too long, I had it in three part. So, expect update today. And the songs is for Xiao ge. Why? You'll find out. So keep on reading! 🤗

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