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Audio titled: SAD SOMETIMES

(Shut Up Men You Ping)


Twenty-five year old Wu Sanxing sat at his kitchen table staring out the window but not seeing anything. Wu Xie had been up half the night with a 38.1 degree temperature that turned out to be double ear infection. The trip to the emergency room at four in the morning would go down in infamy as one of the most painful, scary experiences of his young life. No, wait... the most painful experience was getting Wu Xie home at six thirty and then having to leave the house at seven to make his classes.

"What are we going to do, Sanxing?"

The man sluggishly turned his head to the left. Wen Jin looked like death... pale, gooey, "oh dear GOD what is that THING" death. Wu Sanxing could only assume that he wasn't looking his normal radiant self either.

Receiving no response beyond the glazed look Wu Sanxing sent her, Wen Jin tried again. "Tomorrow Xiao Xie can't go to school. We both have finals." Wu Sanxing turned his head to stare out the window again, "Wu Sanxing, I need you to pay attention. We have a problem. Who can we get to watch Xiao Xie?"

Wu Sanxing blinked and opened his mouth to respond when the gentle pitter-patter of feet drew his attention to the doorway.

"Papa!" A five year old child whimpered from the doorway, "Papa... please..." Huge brown eyes shined with tears as Wu Xie reached his wee little arms toward his Papa. "Please... I don't feew good."

Wu Sanxing was up after the first 'please' and swept the small boy into his arms, "I know sunshine. I know."

"I don't feel like a sunshine..." Wu Xie whispered into the cotton clad chest his head rested against.

Wen Jin walked over smiling at the two men in her life. She reached a hand up and massaged the back of Wu Sanxing's neck while using her other hand to rub gentle circles onto the child's back.

"You're going to feel better soon, Xiao Xie. We promise. The doctor gave you medicine and you'll be back to your old self in no time at all." Wen Jin felt her heart stop when Wu Xie snuggled into Wu Sanxing's chest and the man nuzzled the boy's sweaty locks. Wu Sanxing, the man and lover, was beautiful... Wu Sanxing, the father, was breathtaking.

Wu Sanxing adjusted the tired boy on his hip, "Hey, speaking of medicine, sunshine, I think it's time for some more." Wu Sanxing began walking toward the boy's bedroom, "Maybe if you ask nicely after medicine and a quick bath, Mama will read you a story."

The dark brown head lifted and brown eyes darted around looking for Wen Jin, "Mama? Mama, will you please, pretty please with syrup and whipped cream and cherries and sprinkles and a side of gummy bear, please read me a story after I get medi... medi- sinned and clean?"

"Of course, sunshine. I'll be waiting." Wen Jin smiled.


Wu Xie was clean, medicated, read to and asleep when Wu Sanxing and Wen Jin walked slowly to their room.

"How about Huo Ling?" Wu Sanxing asked pulling his shirt over his head.

"No, I think she is out of town." Wen Jin headed to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"PanZi?" Wu Sanxing yelled over the running water.

"E's ith Huo Ling..." Wen Jin spit, "He's with Huo Ling, some conference."

"Shit, Wen Jin... I don't know. I'll just stay home with him." Wu Sanxing crawled into bed and face planted himself in his pillow. "I don't want him sick and with someone else anyway."

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