Chapter 16: Memory lane

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I breathe loudly, with tons of effort. They had just shocked me over and over for I don't even know how long.
I pull at the chains stuck to the iron table. I want to get off! I need to get away!

"Unfortunately, (L/N), it would seem you once again withstood the test. Which is rather peculiar. You wouldn't be taken for a fighter or warrior after all."

He walks up, his heavy steps falling on the metallic floor. I had heard them so many times that panic immediately set in. I tried screaming, squirming, shaking.

"But not to worry. We are given enough resources to succeed our experiment, even if it takes years."

His goggles were visible in the shadows, reflecting the light above me. He took a step further and I saw his yellow/brown teeth, grin towards me. No! No!

"We will fracture your mind and heart yet, subject (L/N). You will become not one person but three. And once you accept this, the reality will be so much easier to bear. You have no family to speak of. No next of kin. Not a single soul who would care were you to you disappear."

He went ahead and grabbed my hair, pulling me up a bit from the table. No, please... no!

"So give in! You have nothing that ties you to this world! So why are you so reluctant about leaving?!"

His fist embedded itself into my teeth.

"This world is cold and cruel! Yet you hope for warmth and light! Despicable!"

He smashes my head back onto the table. The stench was horrid. This man's path in science had turned him in something inhumane.

"You are worthless still. But I will break you. Eventually. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I always deliver. No matter the cost."

He pulled out a syringe. I could see the cloudy green substance whirling inside it. Not again!

He injected it swiftly and before long it felt like my blood was on fire, burning my veins. The anguish. The pain!

"Yes! Scream for me! Feel the agony of existence!! And give! Up!"

He flipped the switch again. Electricity coursed through my body again. And my screams filled the room again.

*knock knock*

I jump up from my vision. I'm...I'm at the base. This is my room...

"Y/N?", I hear softly from beyond the door.

"Come in, Amélie. It's open."

I hear the door open behind me. She walks in, softly, as she usually does.
"Y/N... I didn't know."

"Neither did I. I forgot. He must've done something to my brain. Now I know why life was hell for so long. I literally am a freak of science."

Amelie just crawled over my legs, straddling me and putting her arms around my neck.
"Was I a freak of science to you, chèrie?"

I cuddle up to her. "Jamais." (Never).

I just sit there as she comforts me whilst I all but break down as the memories come flooding back.

"You are not a monster, chèrie. Or a freak. T'es mon amour. (You are my love.) And I will always love you."

I can't believe this woman sometimes. With those words she just made me feel better within a few instants.
I just embraced her closer as she kissed my forehead softly.
"Thank you, Amélie.", I muttered.

Then there is a knock on the door again.

"I'm busy, come back later.", I say loudly towards the door.

"Get out here, kid. We've got something to tell you."
Soldiers raspy voice chimed through the door.
I sigh audibly.
"Later.", Amélie says sweetly.
She gets up and I follow her towards the door.
As it opens, I see Soldier, Reaper and a few of the others standing there.

"What is this about?", I ask curiously.

They seem to stand there rather uncomfortably.
"Kid. For what it's worth. I'm sorry. We didn't know those tapes would have such an effect."

"It's alright.", I repeat a few times.

"But...we are gonna need your help. We'll have to try some...unconventional methods to figure out who that scientist was. We'll be needing you tomorrow morning at 0800 at the meeting room.", Soldier states.

"Understood.", I just reply. After all, there's no use in not looking into it.
Whoever that man is, he needs to be stopped.

With that they take their leave, each expressing their gratitude for agreeing or their condolences, realizing what that video evidence did to me.
I just stand there, a dumb smile on my face, grateful for this change in my life.
Until I'm pulled back into my room.
As I stumble in, Amélie throws her arms around my neck and kisses me deeply. I close my eyes as I hold her. I am a very lucky man.
She slowly pulls me towards the bedroom, where we fall on the bed and continue our little wrestling match.


I just softly open my eyes as I wake up to a sleeping Amélie next to me. I softly shuffle closer and put my arm around her. Her lips curl into a smile as she leans her head into my chest and sleeps on.
"Chérie...", she murmurs.
Who would've known? As long as she stood by my side, I felt as if I could carry the world on my shoulders.
She wraps her arm around my side and puts her hand on my back, pulling me closer.
"Y/ ne veux pas me reveiller. (I don't want to wake up)"
"I know. You don't have to. I justed wanted to tell you that I love you. And that I'm probably the luckiest man alive."
She just opens one eye, smiling and giggling softly. She stretches and pulls you closer.
"Only because you make me feel good, chérie. And because you have done so much for me."
She cuddles up closer and we snuggle together for a bit.
"And if I ever find out who hurt you, he'll have a bullet coming for him.", she said rather serious this time.
I just kiss her deeply and consider myself very lucky to be where I am now.

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