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Narrator's P.O.V

Back in the vampire world, 19 year old Carlos paced around his room in worry and impatience. He suddenly grabbed a handful of his black hair and pulled it,the bangs on his forehead,almost covering his grey eyes were wet from sweat.
"Where is he!" Carlos screamed and swung his door open,just then a man of thirty years came in with his hands behind him. Carlos gripped his shirt and pulled him in,shutting the door immediately.
"What happened!"
"My Prince everything is okay,she's safe now" Carlos sighed in relief and let go of the man's shirt. He wiped the sweat off his for head and the bangs bounced back to place.
"I swear to Hades,if they had done anything more to her,I would have come there myself"
"Yes you would My Prince" The man nodded and smiled.
"You can leave now Pelham, I'll keep my eye on her"
"Yes My Prince" Pelham bowed and left the room in seconds. Carlos turned back to the mirror where he watched his bride and smiled seeing that she was okay.
"She's really a jolly good fellow" He said to himself as he watched her laugh with her friends and tumble over the floor....

Back in Hampton Hills,in Luna's dorm,she was having fun,one might think she would be overwhelmed with fear and fright after what almost happened. But it seems like she believes in the saying...
Almost can not kill the bird.

"Get your ass off my back!" Stephanie yelled and pushed Luna off.
"Sorry!" Luna laughed and grabbed her backpack.
"You guys know Mr. Smith gave us an assignment right? And we're here playing our assess off" Luna said and smiled. Stephanie and Jodi looked at each other and then at Luna.
"I wasn't in class then"
"Yeah me too"
"Shut up,Jodi,you told me about the assignment as we walked back to the dorm today"
"Did I?"
Stephanie shook her head and jumped off the bed. She's a Gothic,always wearing black baggy clothes and behaving psycho but she's really a sweet person deep down.
"I need a nap guys please be quiet" Luna said as she fell flat on the bed,after a few minutes,Luna was yelling in her sleep.
"Luna? Are you okay? Luna wake up!" Jodi shouted and Luna jerked up,sweat dripped from her forehead and chest.
"Hey are you okay?" Stephanie said and pulled the scared girl to her chest. Luna held Stephanie tightly and wept a little.

"It's what happened today,remember I told you I almost got raped by those fucked up guys and how a strange someone killed three of them" Stephanie and Jodi nodded.
"I had a dream and exactly everything repeated itself" Luna said and they all looked at each other with fear in their eyes...

Next morning....

"Guys! Wake up you're gonna be late!" Luna slapped their sleepy assess.
"Ugh! Do we really have to go to school ever freaking day?!"
"No we don't,we have two days of no school" Luna smiled and held her backpack.
"I'm already done,see you guys in class" Luna shut the door and they took off their clothes for a shower.
Luna walked out of the girls dorm and as she walked past the football field,she remembered yesterday and the strange man.
Just then she heard some girls laughing behind her,she turned and saw Kylie,Kendal and Kenzie. Kendal nudged Kylie when she saw Luna look at them,Luna quickly looked forward and increased her pace. It's sad they don't know what has come of their boyfriends.
Luna heard heels walk towards me and Kylie was suddenly beside me and then she came to my view and stopped causing me to stop to.

"Any problem?" Luna asked.
"Why do you always wear outdated stuffs, Luna" She said with disgust all over her face and in her words.
"Excuse you?" Luna said with her arms across her chest.
"I wear whatever...I want to wear thank you very much" Luna said and walked past her.
The three sassy girls gasped.
"How dare you! I'll tell my dad what you just did!" Kylie said,Luna rolled her eyes and kept walking.
Stephanie and Jodi ran up to the three girls.
"That's right!" Stephanie yelled in Kylie's face and caught up with Luna. Kylie stomped her foot in anger and the two tapped their manicured nails on their mini skirts.
"Wow,you guys were fast!" Luna smiled at them.
"Yeah,I made Jodi rush,she wanted to keep sleeping when she was done! Can you freaking imagine that!" Luna laughed as Jodi blushed in embarrassment.

As they got to school,which wasn't far from the dorms,they noticed some students in groups talking seriously about something. Luna walked faster and asked some students what was going on.
"The boys said that Jason,Max,Harry and Billy didn't return to the dorm after school and till now no one knows where they are!" A girl said. Luna's heart skipped a bit,she looked at her best friends and they were both looking at her with worry and fear.
Just then some policemen arrived to investigate the case. Luna was scared beyond limits,she held her chest as she walked to class.
In a jiffy,classes were over as she was walking back to the dorm with Stephanie and Jodi,she heard her name from the speakers.
"Luna Starr,report to the Professor's office immediately" Luna stopped in her tracks,her heart raced,if they somehow found out she was there in that same place they found the dead bodies,it's the endgame for her.

"Don't worry,Luna,we're always here with you" Jodi and Stephanie said as they hugged me.
Not in jail. Luna mumbled and walked into the office.
What?! Luna screamed in her head as she saw Kylie crossing her arms and smirking. So that's what this is all about! And I was scaring myself to death! Luna thought again.
"Miss Luna Starr,report came to me that you have been vandalising some school properties"
"Let me finish,I have proof of what you did" He showed me a clip of someone destroying the lockers and walls recently and Luna knows well that she didn't do it.
"Professor Hills I do not know what all this is about,I'm definitely not at person"
"But of course you are" He nodded.
"Professor please don't expel me,you know I don't do things like this,I've never gotten into trouble in this college before!" Luna tried to vindicate herself? Kylie scoffed and smirked even wider.
"That is right,but my daughter and her friends have confirmed it, but! I wouldn't expel you because it is just your first time,you will be here on Saturday for detention" He concluded and ordered me out of his office. I took the punishment of another girl,probably Kylie or any of her friends and walked away.

"Luna? Are you okay? What happened" Stephanie asked as Jodi took my backpack.
"Let's thank God it's not what we expected,Kylie told her dad that I destroyed some lockers and walls,which I strongly think Kendal did"
Jodi gasped.
"Wow,that's brutal,what did he say next"
"Well,I tried to talk some sense into him..." They laughed. "But he wasn't willing to listen,so..." Jodi shrugged.
"I'm just glad it wasn't what we thought it was..."

Second chapter...Done! Thank you guys for hanging on! I need more ideas from my readers please! Don't forget to vote and share love ya'll!!

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