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Luna's POV

"I'm so sorry I wasn't around when it happened" Charlotte said during dinner. Carlos nodded. This time there wasn't an All You Can Eat,just a plate of food for me.
"Where were you tho" I asked.
"I left to see a friend,I already had breakfast,I told Carl that I was leaving" I glanced at Carlos. He sipped his drink not looking at me,I knew what he was doing so I just chuckled and shook my head.
"How's your neck Carl" Char asked. Carlos finally glanced up with a smirk on his lips.
"I'm okay...thank you" He nodded and glanced at me,I stared back at him and he winked. I turned my eyes away blushing profusely. I was done eating so I excused myself and went to my room. The loneliness suddenly reminded me of everyone I left behind. Stephanie...Jodi. I remembered my parents and my six year old brother. Tears streamed down my face as memories of when I was alive flooded in. I don't get a chance to see them again. My mum has probably being crying herself to sleep and my sweet brother, he probably keeps asking dad where I went to for so long. To him,two days is a big deal. Kylie and her crew are also probably happy that I'm dead and my body cannot be found too. I screamed in anger and wept,my cheeks were wet.

I held my knees to my chest and wrapped myself,suddenly it started to rain. Carlos barged into the room and stared at me,I assumed he was reading my thoughts. He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me,Charlotte came to the door,looked at me with pity and left shutting the door behind. I wept in his neck as he rubbed my back saying soothing words to me.
"Everything will be fine..."
"Yes,I know everything will be fine but I miss them! I miss my family!" I cried. He hugged me to his chest.
"I know,just let it out" He said as I cried more,he kissed my head and wiped the tears from my cheeks.
"I love you so much and I want you to do me a favor"
"What is that?" I asked within sobs.
"Promise me you wouldn't do anything to hurt yourself" I sniffed.
"I'm already dead,what's the use"
"Don't say that, you are very much alive but you cannot go back to earth again" I cried even more.
"That doesn't even make me feel better!"
"I'm sorry my love" He said and I wiped my tears falling asleep in his arms.


"Good morning my love" I heard as I flew my eyes open. Carlos was next to me this time. I smiled and snuggled closer to him.
"My Hades,you're so beautiful" He said as I shut my eyes again. I felt his fingers pull at my lashes.
"They're so long and thick,you're beauty on it's own" I chuckled and rolled my eyes with my eyes still shut. He pulled my nose. I ignored him,then I felt his cold lips kiss mine. I opened my eyes and just stared into his grey eyes.
"What" He asked. Seriously? I...never mind. I turned away from him and faced the other side. He pulled me to himself,my ass grazing his bare chest. I didn't turn,I just lay there,trying to see if I'll get him to leave me alone.
"I wouldn't leave you alone....never" He whispered and bit my ear gently. Oh shoot...I forgot he could read my mind.
"Yeah I can" He said and kissed my cheek. I rubbed his neck and turned my head to look at him.
"I'm so lucky to have you"
"Have you been watching me sleep?"
"Since day one" He smirked,I chuckled and pulled my self up.

My transparent night robe clung to my body as I tried to get up.
"Fuck" Carlos muttered.
"What was that?" I asked. He shook his head.
"You're fucking hot" He said,my cheeks flushed as I walked to the bathroom,I brushed my teeth and got out no ready for a shower yet.
Carl was still on the bed but he was sitting.
"Come here" He motioned and tapped his lap. I playfully frowned at him.
"What" I immediately felt very nauseous,I felt vomit coming up.
"Are you okay?" Carlos asked. I felt dizzy,I rushed to the toilet and puked,Carlos patted my back and helped to keep my hair away from the vomit. Immediately I was done,I slumped to the ground unconscious.

Narrator's POV

"Mamie, is everything okay? Will she be fine?" Carlos and Charlotte kept asking.
"Yes,yes she would be fine,she's only pregnant" Charlotte gasped and nudged a surprised looking Carl.
"I cannot believe this...I'm a daddy?"
Luna slowly opened her eyes and looked around.
"How are you feeling my dear" Mamie asked as she patted Luna's head.
"I...I feel dizzy and sick too" Luna muttered and shut her eyes again.
Mamie stared deeply into Luna and shook her head.
"Follow me Carlos" Mamie said,Carlos frowned but still followed the old vampire.

"You know what this means Carlos" Mamie said to Carlos when they were out of Luna's earshot. Carlos crossed his arms over his chest and thought deeply.
"I assume you don't. She's a human,you're a vampire,the immortal baby in her womb will be feeding off her and she will be losing a lot of blood,she might die and since the baby needs as much blood as it can get,she has to start drinking blood...." Carlos frowned.
"Must the baby feed off her? What if Luna dies!" Carlos said with anger and regret in his voice. "Ah! I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed with her yet! I was scared this would happen,please Mamie what can we do" Carlos said looking expectantly.

"You're bride needs to start taking blood or she might die" Carlos pulled at his black hair and screamed in anger.

Sorry if chapter is too short,I got bored of this scene so I decided to start a new one...😀😀

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