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"Yes my prince you called"
"I'm losing it Pelham,look at what I did to her!" Carlos pointed shaky fingers at a worn out looking Luna. Her skin was pale. It was already seven months since she got pregnant. She had lost a lot of blood lately.
"Have you given her blood as Mamie requested?" Carlos opened his mouth to say something but he shut his lips,stared at Luna and then at Pelham.
"Send some to me" Pelham bowed and left the room.

"I'm so sorry you're passing through all this" Carlos muttered and kissed Luna's chapped lips.
Luna smiled weakly and rubbed her rounded tummy. "Elaine is worth it" 
Carlos cocked his brow. "Elaine? And who said it's gonna be a girl"
Luna laughed a little. "She" Luna said and tapped her tummy.
"Lemme see something" Carlos bent low and put his ear on her tummy. "See that? It's a boy" Luna chuckled and rolled her eyes.
Carlos kissed her head and placed his chin on the tip of her head.
"Anyone is best,I don't care if it's a girl,I love her more than anything in this world" Luna coughed playfully and smiled against his chest.
"Silly you" Carlos muttered. Just then a maid walked in with a tinted blue cup and a straw inserted. She dropped it on a stool carefully and left.
"What's that?"
"Mamie said you need to drink blood for the baby"
"What?" Luna said and stared at the cup. Carlos brought it up and gave it to her.
"Try it" Luna took the cup and gulped hard.
"I know it's your first time,just try" Luna nodded and put the straw in her mouth,Carlos watched the red liquid go up towards her lip and finally reaching it's destination. Luna sipped harder and then stopped,she pulled the straw away from her lips leaving a trail of red on her lips.
"Slimy but satisfying" Luna said and Carlos sighed in relief.
"Good huh?"
"Yeah,never thought it would taste this good" Luna said and sipped more. Carl looked at her admiringly.

Two months later

"No! I'm okay! Just past that drink for me" Luna laughed and pinched Carlos's ear.
"Ow!!! No I won't" Luna laughed more but then she suddenly stopped,staring at nothing in particular.
"Stop acting drama queen,I wouldn't give it to you,till you apologize" Luna gasped and suddenly screamed causing Carlos to panic and cover his ears. Luna pointed her protruding tummy and screamed louder.
"Baby!!!!" Luna screamed and patted her tummy. Carlos swept her gently off her feet and ran out of the playroom with Charlotte at his heels.

"Calm down brother,Mamie will make sure she delivers safely" Carlos nodded by kept panting and pulling at his hair.
"What if the baby or Luna dies! No,no they can't die,what then would I live for" Carlos said to himself in panic.
"For me" Charlotte said and leaned her head on his arm. Seconds later Carlos placed his hand on her head,stroking her hair gently.
"Certainly" He said to her hearing.
Mamie soon came out quietly with a baby in her hands. Why isn't the baby crying. It I supposed to unless.... Carlos thought.
"No!" Carlos screamed and ran for the baby. He took his first look at the baby and sighed in relief.
"She's beautiful..." Carlos said. Luna's baby had grey eyes and hot pink lips,her hair was yellow it shone when Carlos carried her up.
"She's clearly an immortal baby" Charlotte laughed and tinkled baby Elaine's sides. The baby chuckled softly. Carlos kissed her cheek.
"Mamie how's my bride"
Mamie smiled weakly.
"She's okay but in a terrible state" Carlos's face dropped,he handed the giggling baby to Charlotte and ran into the labour room. Luna opened her eyes slowly and smiled a little. Her bones on her body were clearly visible due to the loss of so much blood.

"You made it,it's Elaine" Carlos said with tears in his eyes. Luna laughed as tears dropped from her eyes.
"I love you" She said as she placed her palm on his cheek. Carlos placed his hand on her hand as his tears dropped on their hands.
"We'll raise her together my love" Carlos said,Luna smiled and closed her eyes.
"I love you" Carlos said and bent down to hug her. He didn't hear her heartbeat as usual. He suddenly got up and stared at Luna. Her smile was gone and her face turned paler.
"The venom of life you put in her wasn't enough for her to carry on,so as she gave birth to Elaine,she died a second time" Mamie said sadly and bent her head.
"You're joking right? You have to be joking Mamie" Carlos said,Charlotte came in with baby Elaine in her arms. Carlos bent low and cried for Luna,he cried for what he did. He cried that he had lost the love of his life.
Tears streamed down Charlotte and Mamie's face too.
"She didn't get to hold her baby" Charlotte said,she went to Luna and bent low facing the baby to her mother.

"That's your mama" Charlotte said. Elaine tilted her little head at her mama and frowned. She stretched her little hands and touched Luna's forehead,everyone else watched in awe.
Blue light shone on Luna's forehead and moved throughout her whole body. Luna gradually had blood in her system again and her body looked alive and as usual. The three onlookers watched in shock and disbelief. Elaine removed her hands from her mother's head and giggled. Seconds passed and with that,Luna gasped and flung her eyes open. Mamie held her chest,smiling happily.
"I can't believe this,Elaine is a giver of life" Mamie said,Carlos embraced Luna tightly and cried into her neck.
"Elaine" Luna muttered and stretched her hands for her miracle child. Elaine giggled as Luna carried her from Charlotte.
"I'm so lucky to have you" Carlos said and kissed Luna. Elaine stretched her hands and touched her parents cheek.
"And we're more than lucky to have her" Luna said and smiled motherly at their baby.

I feel it's best I end this book here,it's a really sweet ending.
But I can write another book to continue it. It might be Elaine's POV. Whatchall think,tell me in the comment section😁😁
Bye bye!!🤗🤗

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