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At the Cafe Shop.

"Howdy!" Jeremy smirked as he met the three girls,Kylie squealed and ran into his arms.
"You made it! Come sit down next to me" Kylie took his arm and pulled him to an empty seat beside her.

"We want to do a prank on...what's her name again" Kylie groaned and tapped the desk lightly.
"What's her name? La...Ley..." Kylie thought deeply.
"Lemme guess Luna right?" Kylie snapped her fingers.
"Exactly! I knew it was an L" Kylie said without a look of excitement in her face.
So they explained everything to him and he listened carefully.
"And who knows...maybe I might give you a bonus when we're done successfully. Kylie trailed her nails over Jeremy's chest and put her finger in her mouth while she placed her free hand on his dick and Jeremy smirked happily. She felt him harden at her touch.
"You've got the right guy" Jeremy said and rocked his hip on her hand. Kylie smiled and leaned away from him.
"Maybe you could give me a little of that bonus now,Kylie" She glared at him and he took his hands up in defeat.
He got his phone out and took Luna's number from Kendal.
"Don't ask me how I got that" Kendal said and Kylie rolled her eyes.
Jeremy cleared his throat and tried to sound deeper while Luna's phone rang.
Luckily for them she answered the call.

"Hello? Who's this please"
"Hey Luna,it's Timmy Turner in science class" Jeremy said and Kylie rolled into a quiet fit of laughter,Kenzie and Kendal gave him a thumbs up.
"Oh!" Luna said and cleared her throat.
"Hi Timmy" She muttered. Jeremy chuckled.
"Hey,I just wanted to know if you'll want to hang out with me at Creamy Cold" Luna gasped and blushed.
"Yeah,right now I'm not busy so yeah" Luna said. What I'm I saying! Luna thought and bit her lip.
"Perfect! You can wait for me at the school gate or better still just cross the road and wait at the shop for me I'll be there" Jeremy mimicked and Kylie just kept laughing and grinning,she blew a kiss at Jeremy and he bit his lower lip and winked at her.
"Sure,sure thanks anyways" Luna said and hung up immediately.
"That. Was. Ah-may-zing!!!" Kylie giggled and pecked Jeremy on his cheek.
"Yeah this is gonna be epic" Kendal said.
"So! I'm I still getting that bonus?" Jeremy smirked.
"Yes of course but after she goes there" Kylie kissed his cheek again and patted his dick. He is still hard. Kylie thought and looked at him,he held on a smirk and Kylie blushed.
"How 'bout now" Kylie grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her planting a lingering kiss on his lips. Jeremy kissed her back hungrily and slid his hands under her mini skirt. Kendal and Kenzie watched in horror.
Kylie suddenly stopped kissing him and placed her index finger on his lips.
"Why don't we go somewhere....private" Kylie said and bit her bottom lip. Jeremy nodded and got up. Kenzie gasped and stared,Kendal followed Kenzie's eyes to Jeremy and found out what she was gaping at.
"Would you stop being a pervert!" Kendal hissed and blocked Kenzie's view from Jeremy's hard dick. Kylie pulled Jeremy out of the shop like he were her own pet.

Girl's dorm(Luna's room)

"I  still can't believe it! Jodi can you?!" Jodi smiled and shook her head.
"You better do,cause it's reality girl!" Stephanie said and pulled out Jodi's makeup set.
"Hey! Be careful with that Steph, you don't wanna break it" Jodi glared  at Stephanie.
"I will...chill!!" Stephanie chuckled and placed the makeup in front of Luna.
"What are you doing?" Luna asked looking at the makeup set in confusion. "I hope you know I'm not putting that on" Luna pointed at the set like it were trash. Stephanie glared at Luna.
"You're no fun!" She pouted and plopped down on the bed with her legs crisscrossed.
"I gotta go guys,see you when I get back!" Luna said with excitement and her best friends waved her bye,if only they knew it might be their last greeting.

"Where is he!" Luna groaned and looked at her wristwatch.
"I guess I'll have to cross" She sighed,looked from her left and to her right,then looked forward,she quickly got out her mouth spray and freshened her mouth,as soon as she walked a little way on the road,a big bus from who-knows-where,came fast at her direction and hit her,crushing her bones as it moved on.
Screams from different directions were heard. Girls and ladies cried in horror and the youths and men ran for Luna's body and carried her to a hospital. It was soon found out that Luna was DEAD....

At The Vampires...

Pelham was telling Prince Carlos how good things have turned out.
"This way,we can bring her body here and give her life and she automatically becomes yours!" Carlos pulled his dark hair in confusion and anger on to how he let his bride die,tho what Pelham was saying made huge sense. But that would be claiming her forcefully.
Carlos thought. He didn't want to do that,he just wanted to introduce himself as a normal human first off all and then when they fall deeply in love,he'll tell her about himself.
"Are you listening my prince?" Carlos nodded.
"So she's at the hospital now" Pelham asked.
"Yes and I think they are about to move her body away from there" Pelham's eyes widened.
"Then you do not have any more time to waste! Come on my prince,we need to go" Carlos thought hard for a moment and quickly got up.
"I'm ready"
"That's the spirit" Pelham smiled as Carlos waved his hand forming a portal.
"Here we go" Pelham nodded and they walked into the portal.

On Earth(At the Hospital)

"She's so beautiful" Carlos said as he touched her cold head. He leaned down and kissed her forehead tenderly.
"Absolutely stunning" Pelham agreed. "We need to head back now my prince because if anyone should come in here for her,we can't take her" Carlos stooped low and scooped Luna's lifeless body in his arms,he stared at her admiringly.
"I can't wait to see those eyes again"
Pelham waved his left hand and a portal opened ushering them back to Dracula's world.


"Nothing's happening" Carlos yelled and slammed his hand on the iron bed."Why isn't she waking up!" Charlotte came closer and placed her palm on Luna's forehead. She shut her eyes as the power left her,inhaling deeply as the blue magic moved from her hand to Luna's head. They watched patiently but nothing happened.
"What's going on" Carlos said with pain in his voice,he went on his knees beside Luna and kissed her cheek as a tear left his eye and dropped on Luna's face.
Suddenly Luna gasped and sat up looking around her in shock,her face was pale,she looked more confident in herself but she felt scared of her surroundings.

Luna's POV

"What are you?" My eyes moved to the guy beside me,he looked very attractive,black long hair,grey eyes and incredibly tall! He looked a year or two older than I am. His jaw was well structured,a strong jawline. His lips were the perfect Cupid's arrow,it looked plump and begging to be kissed. As I stared at his lips,it curved into a smile. I forced my eyes away from his lips and to his glittering eyes.
"Where am I" I asked softly betraying my demanding quest.
The girl in the room looked at her brother,she smiled and nodded.
"Later" She said,she's just as beautiful as he is and she had grey eyes just like him. I watched her pat his shoulder and leave the room.

He came closer and sat next to me,his manly cologne took control of my small mind.
"You really don't remember anything? Of course you won't" Before I could say anything he waved his hands over my eyes and I saw myself in Hampton Hills. I saw myself waiting in front of the gate impatiently. Then suddenly I crossed the road and a big bus sped into me. I screamed and came out of the vision.
"What was that?! I'm I dead? Is this hell?" I cried and held the bed covers over my chest. The room looked dark but beautiful and neatly arranged.
"First answer...yes you are dead,second...no you're not in hell,I practically saved you from hell" I stared at him with wide eyes and open mouth. Suddenly I started laughing.
"That's not possible,I'm not dead! I can not be dead! No!" I started crying again and I felt his arms around me.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled,I wrapped my arms around myself. Now I remember,so I wouldn't get to see mum or Timmy or my friends anymore,but what if this young man is playing tricks with me. I looked at him with teary eyes.
"I hate that" He muttered within clenched teeth,without even looking at me.
"Please wipe those tears from your eyes,now" I knitted my brows and felt angry that he thought he could order me just cause he kinda brought me back to live.
"Can you not talk to me?" I blurted out and he looked at me,his grey eyes were suddenly filled with pain and anger. I suddenly felt sad for him.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
He gritted his teeth."I really shouldn't have shown you how you died. You might want to take a shower" He pointed it to me and left the room. What? So now he feels I shouldn't know...
I got up from the bed and tried to walk I felt light pain on my laps. I looked down and lifted the gown to reveal bite marks,then I felt a stinging pain on my neck,I groaned and rubbed my neck. I walked to the shower and looked in the mirror.
"What?" I was shocked at two big bite marks boldly on the side of my neck.

I apologise if this chapter was whack,just move on to the next chapter,I bet you'll enjoy it. Please vote,share and comment.

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