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Luna's POV

I put on a knee length hoodie and threw the cap over my head,pulling my hair forward to hide the bite marks. I needed to see him,I needed to know what the mark on my neck was,I didn't want to believe it's what I thought. So I left the room and started walking down the hall,doors by each side. I was confused,I didn't know where I was going. I kept walking and looking over my chest,so I didn't notice when he came in my way and I bumped into his chest,which felt oddly but attractively cold.
"Why did you leave your room angel" I blushed as he brushed his lips on my forehead,his arms were still around my waist.
"I...I was looking for you..." I mumbled.
"Hmm..what for" He asked,I rolled my eyes,why am I shaking under him! He's just an ordinary guy!
"I wanted to ask about this" I pulled the hoodie cap over my head and showed him the mark. He bit his lip and his teeth suddenly jutted out on his lips. I yelped and jumped away from him. He shut his eyes and they went back in.
"What was that? Are you a vampire? No those things aren't real"
"First answer...those were fangs...second...yes,I am a vampire" It was just too much for me,my head felt very light and I slumped,he caught me in his arms and before I shut my eyes,I felt his lips kiss my forehead gently.

"Glad you're up" I heard HIS voice say. I sat up on a different bed and looked at him or should I say stare at this annoyingly handsome guy beside me.
"I'm Carlos,the prince of darkness" I rolled my eyes,I just cannot believe I'm sitting right next to a vampire! Argh!
"I'm sorry about those bite marks on your legs,I was so desperate to bring you back to me,I couldn't stop and mostly,your blood is very sweet unlike some humans I feed on" I blushed and nodded.
"What was that?" He smirked,I glanced at him. "I didn't get that" I rolled my eyes again.
"I forgive you!" I yelled and bit my lip to stop myself from laughing but I couldn't hold back my smile.
"I love it when you do that" He whispered ,his cold lips touching my ear slightly. I shivered and blushed. I was falling deeper and deeper in love? No,we just met.
"It doesn't matter" He said. I knitted my brows.
"I chose you so it doesn't matter if we just met and I'm glad you think I'm handsome" He said and kissed my hair.

"So how old are you" I asked wanting to change the subject. He leaned away from me and smiled.
"Shut up"
"Fine,two hundred and one" I didn't want to believe but I had to.
"Wow,you're old..." He laughed showcasing his perfect teeth. He licked his lips,I stared at them,they were begging to be kissed,I just stared at his lips,not realising I was licking mine and clearly not realising he was looking at me.
"Luna..." I looked in his eyes,I didn't care how he knew my name.
"You know I can hear your thoughts right?" He said softly. I immediately realized that and blushed,turning my face away as it heated up.
"Look at me" He whispered,his voice suddenly sounded from behind. I turned slowly and he tilted my head up kissing me from behind. He bit my lips hungrily and kissed me even harder,his lips felt cold and soft against mine,he swiftly lifted me and placed me back on the bed,hovering over me. I wanted him to touch me,I needed to feel him on my body,I craved for his touch so badly I let out a moan. His fangs shot out.

"If you don't want me to flip you over and doggy-fuck you right now,please stop thinking what you're thinking,it's fucking turning me on" I giggled as he smiled. He placed another kiss on my lips and lay face up on the bed. We lay quietly with my head on his chest. I don't even care to know what the time is.
"I heard vampires don't sleep" I said. I felt him chuckle and I smiled.
"Believe it or leave it" He replied.
"So you're just gonna watch me sleep"
"I would do that over and over again and never get tired" I think it started snowing because it started getting cold. I snuggled closer to Carlos but I didn't get warmer.
"I'm sorry" He muttered and kissed my head. "I'll just go so you can get some warm sleep" He said with a smile and pulled the covers over my body. Before he could leave,I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.
"I feel safe with you Carlos,if you leave now,what difference does it make" He looked at me with love and passion in his beautiful eyes and lay back down,I hugged his chest with my arms around his waist.
"I love you Carlos" He kissed my head multiple times and I looked up at him,he stared in my eyes,cupped my cheek and gave me a long,hard hungry kiss. And with that,I fell into a deep sleep with Carlos's head resting on mine.

I woke up the next morning as the sunlight hit my face,I groaned and turned away from it. I laughed at myself and felt for Carlos,he wasn't there,but marks of him being there throughout were still very obvious. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth,feeling mouth fresh.
I put on a light robe and went to find Carlos when the girl I saw yesterday bumped into me.
She stared into my eyes not harshly but like she wanted to find out something about me. But then she smiled.
"Hi,I'm Charlotte,Carlos's sister,nice to meet you Luna" Geez! She knows my name too?
"Nice to meet you too,Charlotte" She smiled.
"Where you headed" She asked. I brightened up,I badly needed to see Carlos again.
"I'm looking for Carlos,have you seen him?"
"Oh! I last saw him in the kitchen,he should still be there" She answered,I nodded with a smile and left to find him.

Narrator's POV

"Carlos,you know too well that she is a human and her scent is very strong,other vampires can smell her from far away...."
"They can't do anything to hurt her"
"Yes they can't,but I certainly can" The strange man suddenly moved towards me and grabbed my arm. Luna yelled in horror as his eyes turned black and his fangs jutted out on his lips. Carlos widened his eyes and pulled me away from the man,pushing the other man to the wall,his weight shattering the painted wall instantly.
"Get out of here,Noah!" Carlos screamed as he balled his fists. Noah stood up slowly with a smile on his lips. He cracked his neck and knuckles and shifted his jaw to place. Luna watched in fear.
"Why did you bring her here Carlos,how stupid and foolish can you be!" Noah said and made a move to grab Luna again. She quickly grabbed the nearest thing she could lay her hands on and slammed it on his chest. He groaned in pain and fell to the ground writhing and holding his chest. Luna took that chance to immediately run out of the kitchen.

"Noah stop this madness! You can control yourself when Pelham brings other willing humans,why not do so now!"
"Like you said little brother,she's different and her scent is hard to resist" Carlos groaned and punched his brother's cheek.
"Don't you ever refer to me as little you worthless moron!" Noah held his cheek in shock.
"Carlos? Did...did you just slap me?" Carlos replied with a smirk and a flash of red in his eyes. Noah screamed,grabbed Carlos by his shirt and flew his out the window. Just then Luna rushed back to the kitchen with a lighter in her hands and a silver chain.
"Let him be!" She screamed and threatened him with the flame of fire from the lighter,Noah hissed at her.
"Where is Carlos!" Luna demanded. Carlos came in leaping on his foot.
"Carlos catch!" Carlos stretched his hand and carefully caught the silver threatening Noah.
"Can you see how she's making you turn against me? your brother!" Noah screamed,Luna cocked her brow at what he just said.
"Leave now,Noah!" Carlos said. Noah stared at Luna,sniffed a hard sniff.
"I'll be back my beautiful mortal" He smirked and jumped out the window.

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