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At The Vampire's...

"Stop worrying yourself over her,Carlos!"
"Get out of my room,Charlotte,I didn't ask for your concern" Carlos said as he stared out the window. Charlotte looked hurt by his words but still didn't go.
"You haven't fed since yesterday,Carlos,stop doing this to yourself all because of a mere human,who doesn't even know or care about you!"
"I said enough!!!" Carlos said and in seconds had his hands around his sister's throat.
"Carlos! What are you doing!" Charlotte said as she coughed and struggled for air,she is strong but Carlos is stronger. Carlos glared at his younger sister in annoyance and threw his hands down. Charlotte gasped and held her throat. Suddenly Carlos started scratching and gripping his throat,he knew what it meant,he needs to feed,he needs blood.
"See? You can't keep torturing yourself Carlos,you need to stay alive for the kingdom...for me...Carlos" Charlotte said and left his room,hoping her last words made a good impact on her brother.

Carlos stared out the window and thought about what he said to his sister,he groaned at a voice that pushed him to apologize to her,but the voice kept coming and he decided to give it a try.

"Char can I come in?" Carlos knocked and waited for an answer.
"Come in" Carlos opened the door slowly and peeked in. Charlotte sat quietly on a chair,looking at nothing in particular.
"I'm sorry" Charlotte glanced at Carlos in surprise,Carlos rarely apologizes for what he did wrong,what's changed? Charlotte stood up from the chair and walked towards her brother,she looked in his eyes and noticed brightness but a sad feeling almost clouded it, she never knew Carlos loved the human that much. Charlotte cupped his cheek and Carlos placed his hand on hers.
"I forgive you,I'm sorry too,I didn't know how much you love her" Charlotte said. Carlos nodded.
"Those men of law on their earth might find out something and I don't want her getting in trouble,Char" Charlotte sighed and brought her hand down from her brother's cheeks.
"We really don't know what to do now" Carlos sighed and shook his head,the bangs on his fore head swayed side to side.
"Carlos..." Charlotte said as she walked to a small freezer in the room.
"Please feed" She sped towards him with a packet of blood in her hand. Carlos stared at the fresh blood in her hands and gulped.
"How I'm I supposed to feed when the one I love is in in danger..."
"Carlos you know you want it" Charlotte said and brought it to his nostrils."Please,I need you to stay alive...at least for her" Carlos sniffed hard and his eyes turned black,he snatched the packet from her hand,tore I open and quickly downed the blood. He licked his lips.
"Thank you Charlotte,but I need more" Charlotte smiled and quickly got another for him. Carlos grabbed it from her hands and drank it hungrily. Charlotte smiled and patted his shoulder,he sighed and licked his blood stained lips.
"I feel stronger" Carlos admitted.
"Yes,you need it or you'll be weak and useless" Carlos agreed and licked his blood stained hands.
"I couldn't resist the smell" Carlos laughed as his eyes slowly turned back to it's color...grey.
"Thank you,Char" Charlotte shrugged.
"It's what sisters do" Carlos smiled and left her room,Charlotte grinned satisfactorily.

Hampton Hills

"That girl issa bitch! Can't believe she did that to you Luna,like duh! She's not the only one whose father owns a freaking college!" Stephanie yelled.
"Hey! Bring it down,she's in the opposite room!" Jodi shushed.
"Duh! Like who cares!" Stephanie scoffed and put on her headphones.
"You would when she sashayes to her father!" Jodi snapped and rolled her eyes. Luna sat quietly with her knees brought up to her chest.
"Sometimes I wish I'd leave this college" Luna muttered and as she said that the door flew open and Stephanie sat up quickly. Unfortunately it were Kylie and her side chicks,and she was crying, her mascara smeared all over her cheeks.
"You! You're responsible for this aren't you! You little brat! I've always noticed how Jason looks at you,not like you're hotter than I am of course,but he looks at you with lust and hot desire just the way he looks at me too and now you've taken him for yourself! Where is he witch!" Stephanie,Luna and Jodi stared at her.
"Ummm..what now?" Stephanie asked.
"Stay out of this" Kylie pointed her manicured finger at Stephanie.
Stephanie cocked her brow and scoffed.
"Whatever,but do you have any idea how UGLY,you look right now like here check" Stephanie threw a mirror at her and Kylie caught it. It's a mirror,something she'd always want with her. She took the mirror up and looks at herself.
"God! I've spoiled my makeup!" Kylie screamed and threw the mirror back at Stephanie. Kendal and Kenzie snickered at Kylie's reaction to her reflection.
"And what are you two goofballs laughing at" Kylie snapped and the quickly shut their mouths.
"I'll come back for you three" Kylie pointed at them with three fingers and walked out of the room,slamming the door shut.
"Better not!" Stephanie yells back."Well that was fun" Stephanie chuckled and flipped her dark hair.
"That was crazy! And some how a fun entertainment to see her cry" Jodi laughed and I chuckled.

The week ran quickly and before one could say Jack,it was already weekend.

Kylie and her crew's dorm room.

"We've got to do something Kylie..."
"Would you shut up? I'm tryna think!" Kendal knitted her brows and murmured.
"What was that?"
"Nothing!" Kendal quickly said and smiled gooey at Kylie. Kenzie laughed quietly at Kylie and Kylie couldn't resist smacking her head  with a pillow.
"Hey!" Kenzie reached for another pillow and smacked Kendal's face.
"I've got the purrrfect idea!" Kylie suddenly giggled with bright eyes.
"Spill" Kenzie said and rubbed her smooth hands together evilly.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Kylie asked and crosses her arms across her chest.
"Please I beg you,don't be a stupid weirdo doing SpongeBob nonsense here" Kylie snapped. Kendal rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Now,we are going to prank call her..."
"That's not really good enough"
"Can you shut your mouth up and let me finish?" They nodded.
"So...rumour has it that she has a crush on Timmy Turner,that nerd but cute guy in our class right?" Kendal and Kenzie agreed.
"Yeah,so we'll have Jeremy call and fake a voice like Timmy's! And then "Jeremy" will tell her to meet "him" at the college's gate,let's see how embarrassed and stupid she would feel when Timmy doesn't show up at all" Kenzie smiled widely at the prank.
"That is one in a million Kylie, you're a genius!" Kendal squealed.
"I know" Kylie said and flipped her wavy hair extensions behind her.
"So when do we do it" Kenzie asked.
"Now is better than never" Kylie said as she twirled her phone in her fingers.

In the library...

Jeremy sat quietly with his headphones on and his phone in his face. Suddenly he screamed yes,obviously forgetting he was in a library.
"Excuse you? Mr. Jeremy,this isn't the first or second time you're doing that,please leave immediately" The librarian said with a strong glare through her glasses. Jeremy rolled his green eyes and got up,slightly pushing the woman out of his way as he walked out.
"Be careful next time!" She said after him.
"Go fuck yourself" Jeremy murmured,he turned off the game he was playing and took off the headphones,replacing them with earphones.
Suddenly his phone rang and as he answered it,he heard his name loud and clear.
"What the fuck?!" He whisper-yelled and looked at his screen.
"Oh! Typical Kylie" He smiled and put the  earphones back on.
"What's popping" He said.
"Come over to the school's cafe,we have something to discuss" Jeremy knitted his brows.
"Kylie,I am not a servant of anyone,please be polite when talking to me" Kylie rolled her eyes.
"Fine,please I need you to come to the cafe shop,we need to discuss"
Jeremy nodded and bit his lower lip.
"Atta girl,will do" He smiled and Kylie smiled on the other end. She turned off the call.

"I'm just wondering why you refused to be Jeremy's girlfriend,Kylie"
"Oh shut up,let's just hope he'll join us" Kendal snapped.
"Of course he would,he can't resist me" Kylie said and twirled her locks in her fingers.

Phew!! Third chapter done! This just gets more and more interesting!! I'm having so much fun writing this! Comment on what you think and vote if you like it! 💖💖

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