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Warning:Sex scene.

Carlos slumped on the floor holding his knee in pain. Luna gasped and ran towards him.
"Carl? Carl are you okay?" She cupped his cheek as he stared in her eyes. "Where are you hurt! Talk to me!" She moved her fingers over every joint in his body. Until she touched his knee and neck. Carlos groaned in pain and Luna gasped as she saw a crack on his pale neck.
"I'm so sorry" Her eyes misted as she called for Charlotte. It happened Charlotte wasn't around.
"Where is she now I need her!" Luna screamed and tried to walk Carlos to her room.
"My love,my love everything will be fine okay?" Luna said as she massaged Carlos's knee with a healing balm she found in a drawer.

"Don't worry about my neck,it will heal" Carlos managed to say. "Thanks for the massage Luna" Carlos said after a long nap. Luna smiled. "I was scared,I just don't know what will happen to me if you die or something" Carlos smirked.
"I knew you would love me some way,some how" Luna blushed as Carlos cupped her cheek and pressed his lips against hers. The beginning was gentle but as Carlos bit her lip and licked off her blood hungrily,Luna groaned and pressed her body against his strong chest,kissing his lips deeper. When Carlos let go,Luna protested and kissed his neck begging for his lips.
"Luna your thoughts are fucking loud and it's tempting,I don't want to do this now" Luna pulled away from him and stared into his eyes.
"It's not my fault you're so handsome Carl" Luna teased and pulled his pointed nose. Carlos smirked. He loved this woman so much and was willing to die by any means for her. He kissed her lips one last time and then her forehead.

"It seems Noah is your brother" Carlos's gritted his teeth as he remembered earlier.
"Yes he is" Carlos concluded. Luna felt he didn't want to talk about it.
"Oh! You don't feel like talking about it,it's fine,I understand" Luna squeezed his hand.
"He was uncontrollable,wicked,irresponsible and selfish and Dracula never wanted such a son to rule after him,while I was the good and responsible son,Noah tried everything in his might to do away with me but I was solemnly protected by the gods so everything he planned was fruitless. It soon came to the point where he wanted to kill the whole royal family so he could easily take over but the gods rescued the family and Noah was captured. Dracula wanted to do away with Noah but the gods decided that Noah should never rule and that he should henceforth be regarded as a commoner and should be taken far away from royalty..." Luna shook her head when Carlos concluded. Such evilness. She thought.

"So then how come he's here" Luna asked. Carlos shook his head slowly.
"I really don't know how he got past the guards,I'm not surprised tho,they still take him as their prince,he manoeuvred his way through them or probably killed them" Luna gasped,Carlos glanced at her and chuckled.
"Typical Noah,enough of him,how was your sleep" Luna sighed.
"It was nice thank you and how was yours" Luna said and kissed his cheek.
"Are you forgetting I don't sleep"
"Oh! I forgot that!" Luna laughed.
"But watching you sleep was the best thing I did yesterday" Luna blushed and Carlos kissed her forehead.
"I need to feed" Carlos said and got up. "And you need to eat" Luna chuckled. "Eat what exactly"
"You'll see" Carlos kissed her hand as they walked to the dining hall.

"Shut up!!" Luna yelled as they walked into the large beautifully decorated hall. She gasped even more as she saw the long table with varieties of food laid.
"It's an All You Can Eat!" Luna said and tugged Carlos's arm. Carlos was satisfied by her show of amazement. He lead her to a chair opposite his and helped her seat comfortably before kissing her hand and walking to his seat. As soon as he sat,female servants rushed out and removed the silver covers that held the heat from the food.
Luna gasped as her eyes met with the big turkey that lay at the center of the table. A servant came to Luna's side and placed a napkin on her laps.

"Dig in" Carlos said as he sipped blood from a white paper cup. Luna frowned. "Is that all you'll eat?" Carlos nodded.
"It's what vampire eat"
"So who'll eat all this" Luna asked spreading her arms wide like a five year old. Carlos laughed at her. "The servants can have what they want" Luna frowned again.
"You just said vampires eat only blood" Carlos sighed.
"Not all the servants are vampires,some are werewolves" Luna dropped her fork and stared at him in awe.
"Really? I've always wanted to see a real werewolf even though I didn't really believe they...."
Luna quickly shut up and ate quietly.

The silence was awkward and disturbing,Luna dared to steal a glance at Carlos. She caught him staring at her with his elbows on the table,his hands wedging his head.
"Why are you staring at me" Luna asked blushing profusely. Carlos's grey eyes burned holes into Luna's face. A smirk appeared on his lips as Luna blushed even harder.
"Carl please stop staring, your eyes are....well they're beautiful but right now it's creeping me out"
"You're beautiful"
Luna blushed and dropped her fork.
"Thanks Carl" She said and wiped her mouth with the napkin.
"Don't tell me you're done eating" Carlos asked.
"Yes I am" Luna said and got up slowly,walking out of the hall.
"Are you leaving me?" Carlos said in her head. She quickly spun around,he smirked. She rolled her eyes and kept going.
In a second,Carlos stood over Luna staring down at her eyes.
"Move!" She said playfully and tried to push him but he didn't budge.
"I love you Luna,I just can not imagine my existence without you" Carlos said,Luna blushed,tiptoed and kissed his cheek.
Carlos picked her up in his arms and carried her to his room.

Luna's POV

Carlos is my everything,since I died and came here,all I think of is Carlos,Carlos,Carlos.
He laid me on the soft bed and hovered over my body which kept craving for his touch.
"I love you" I said,his eyes twinkled and he smiled. He leaned down and placed peppery kisses on my shoulder and neck.
"I thought I didn't want to do this now,but I can't control myself when I'm around you,especially when you make those sounds and think those thoughts" I blushed, he's reading my mind again.
"Yes I am" He chuckled and kissed my lips. He slowly took off the hoodie I had on and gaped at my body,my bra still buckled.
"You're amazing Luna" He muttered as his breathing became heavier,he kissed my chest and my belly as he ran his fingers over my stomach.
"I'm so glad you're for me and no one else" He said as he took off his shirt,his muscled body came to view and I couldn't help running my hand over his chest and abs.
"Me too" I whispered. His arms were so strong and nice,I melted under his kisses. I just can't help but moan.
He played with the black cloth that covered my private part,I immediately felt myself getting wet. His breathing became heavier as he kissed me,he pulled on my hair and kissed me harder. I moaned every time he sucked on the blood from my lips. He was so tempting and I wanted this more than anything.
He made love to me,he made me feel wanted and safe and after everything,we lay cuddled in each others arms.

"I love you"
"I love you more my angel"

Okayyyyy!!! Who loves this chapter,please vote if you do and comment on what you think.
And if you think this last scene was too intense or something just comment nicely,I'll take notes.

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