5. Flashback - The Bond

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Young Saul and Farah were sitting in the library and were trying to finish their mountain of homework. It was already getting dark outside and it started to rain heavly.

Saul's pov

I folded my textbook with a slight bang.

That's enough! She's been completely overreacting again

I was thinking about our feisty headmistress, Rosalind. I glanced over to Farah who was still looking highly concentratet into her book. She began to drum softly with her fingertips on the book cover. I smiled, she always did that when she was getting inpatient.
I sighed, these were moments that didn't happen very often. Me, her, alone. I mean we were just friends, no misunderstanding in that matter, but I still enjoyed it a bit to much. They have been friends since their first school week but last year I had felt something else pulling me towards her.
"I give up. This is impossible."
she closed her book as well, with a big frustrated frown. I chuckled
"What happened?"
"Rosalind has given me a quiz to solve, apart from the other homework. I mean at least she could give me some credit that I am doing double of the work everybody else is doing, but she never seems to be satisfied...don't laugh at me Saul!"
"Hehe, you could try asking her."
Farah looked at me as if I had completely lost it. That just made me laugh more and I said in a higher, more feminine voice
"Uhm, hello. Mis, I was wondering if you could give me some more approval and-"
I got interrupted by a book that Farah had thrown at me.
"Very funny!"
But she couldn't resist to smile as well and her eyes flashed in amusement.


I thought. This fairy really had some inpact on me. In that moment the door opened and two boys came walking in, Ben and Andreas.

The four of them had kind of found each other since it was well known that they were the best in class and Rosalinds personal favorites.

So people aperently didn't like to spend to much time with us, except of Andreas. He was pretty popular. I mean, he had the looks, he was a very good fighter perhaps the best and he was also heir of the throne of Eraklyon.
They came in, Ben with a lot of old looking books and Andreas in his fight uniform, completely soked from the rain.
"Hello you two nerds! How are we doing?" he said in a loud voice and seated himself right next to Farah.
"Keep it down, this is still a library."
"OH Farah, relax. Imma head out in a minute anyway." and he softly pinched her side. She squeeked because of the sudden watery coldness on her clothes.
I looked away. I never watched these little scenes, they kind of bothered me. Andreas has the confidence I never had. He has been hitting on Farah for a while now, she didn't seem to notice, but I did! I looked at her, she was trying to dry her side while Andreas continued to pinch her.
"Stop it Andreas! You are making me wet! "
"Well, I hope so" he winked.
Her eyes shooted up, her face heated, and her expression was...interesting. I felt a big node in my stomach, crunching me.

What did he just say?

Ben, who was the most inecent of us, blushed as well and he was suddenly very interested in inspecting his shoes. It was uncomfortably quiet. Till Andreas broke the silence with his laugh. I glanced at Farah, she seemed utterly overwhelmed by the situation, but it wouldn't be her if she couldn't control her expressions almost as good as the Headmistress herself. She let out a faint smile.
"Controll your hormones you bad boy."
"Haha! Come on, it was a joke, jeez, you guys need to grow up a bit." he said while looking at Ben with derision, and then at me with played pity. I gave my best to not show my feelings right now because I was raging. Andreas could be a really nice guy and a good friend but sometimes he was just being an asshole!
"I'll be right back, imma go to the toilet." he stood up and left them at the table, still in akward silence.
"Well... uhm, so... what have you been doing?" Asked Ben, with a shy smile. He was truly the softest of us four. Incredibly smart and nerdy, sometimes even to nerdy, but he was a good friend and just a pleasant person to spend time with. I looked at him with a grateful look as farah responded with her usual self-confidence.
"Just studying. I actually will have to leave you boys now. I promised Griselda to help her with her homework."
"Griselda? You would rather spend your time with a freak like that, then with us?" Andreas had returned from the toilet.
"Andreas" I said quietly in a warning tone.
"Well, at least it's better then spending my time with some perverted boys." the young fairy smiled but I could see her anger flashing in her eyes. And as she stood up, gathering her things, I suddenly felt incredibly strong emotions rushing through my Body, emotions that weren't mine. I gasped at the sudden rage that was filling me up now.

These are not my feelings! What the hell

I looked up and in that moment our eyes locked and I knew what was going on. Farah had stopped her action as well and was looking at me with surprise. I could feel how her anger turned into confusion. I felt her emotions burning inside of me as their would be mine.
"Is everything OK?" Ben asked.
"Yes of course, I'll see you guys later at dinner." She broke herself out of her stare, gathered her stuff and left the room.
"She really is a strange girl" Andreas seated himself next to me and started speaking about training today. But I couldn't listen. My confusion became excitement, and I slowly realized what just had happened. Farah and I connected. We had a bond. I had a bond with Farah Dowling! The famous specialist-fairy bond. I looked at the door as if she would come back any minute. I had something what Andreas could never have with her. An intimate bond of feelings and thoughts. A warm feeling rushed through me and I smiled.


Hello my fellow wattpad readers. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it. Thank you so much for the support, I never thought that anybody would even read my story! So thank you so much! 🙏🏽 This chapter was a flashback of Saul and it shows him struggling with his feelings towards Farah. I read a lot of comments that said that Saul looked very much in love with her in the show but she kind of kept her distance. I think that is an interesting dinamic and I really want to explore that from Farahs side as well. I'm telling you, this story turns to be a slow burn story about Silva and Dowling 😅. I also love writing about the trio and the relationship the three friends had with Andreas. Anyway, have a great day, don't forget to vote or/and to comment, this things really motivate me.
Suggestions and co. are like always welcome. See you soon.

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