10. Hope dies at last

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Bloom's pov

My legs were shaking from effort and fear. My heart was pounding fast and hard against my ribs. I was breathing out in shock and I could hear the fearful breathing of the other girls right next to me. We looked down at the dark shape in front of us, it didn't move anymore.

Is it dead?

It had been almost to easy. Not that I wanted to complain but I'm pretty sure it's more difficult then that to kill a Burned One.
After the very weird and awkward conversation with Ms. Dowling I had gone to the stone circle to-... well, if I'm honest I didn't know what I wanted to do but Sky had interrupted me anyway. Apparently Headmaster Silva's condition had worsen so he had decided to go look for the beast himself. Of course I came with him and the rest of the girls had found us just in time to help. Cause the beast had found us first, again.
And here we were, in a situation that was slightly to big and overwhelming for us, again.
The Burned One still didn't move and we dared to come a bit closer. Our surrounding was a bit to silent but we didn't notice. As we came closer I could smell the now familiar smell of burnt meat. It was absolutely disgusting. Sky had his sword still twisted but it was loose in his hand. When I was about to suggest that we could relax a little bit, Musa's eyes started to glow next to me and she let out a surprised gasp.
„Wait, I don't think it's-„
She was interrupted by a grunt and her words were swallowed up by the loud howling of the Burned One who was very much awake again. We backed away, I could almost smell our fear. And so could our opponent. He was now back on his two feet and had straightened himself up to his full size. It took a step towards us, we screamed and backed away more, but anyone with a functioning brain could see that there was no chance to escape.

That's it.

I thought as the beast crouched down and jumped. Panic and a fear that was indescribable made me petrified. I couldn't move nor could I scream. Like in slow-motion I could see it fly through the air, ready to dig his claws into my body.
Suddenly the inside of the monster began to glow. An explosion of light and cold heat blinded us and made us go down. The whole clearing was flooded with light and I couldn't see anything anymore. I could feel the presence of the Burned One vanishing before it became dark again. I blinked, the trees and their shadows became sharp again and we stood up. In the middle of the clearing was a burned place where now lay an unrecognizable form, still glowing weakly. A shiver crept down my back as a very familiar voice rose behind us.
„No, it wasn't dead. It is now."
I spinned around and saw the headmistress standing there in her dark blue coat, her eyes in a dangerous grey that was slowly turning back to a dark brown. I couldn't subdue a feeling of relief. I was so happy and thankful that I almost forgot that I was actually mad at her. But she had just saved our lives and I didn't want to be an ungrateful bitch. I smiled slightly at her as a thank you but she didn't notice me at all. Her gaze wandered over my friends before she focused on the creature behind us. This gesture of detachment stung more than I expected.

Didn't she care at all how I was doing?

Saul's pov

I ran towards the greenhouse. I felt how the pain started to vanish and my strength came back slowly but safely. I quickened my pace and I almost shouted out of happiness and relieve. I tore open the door of the greenhouse.
„Ben! Ben, where are you!?"
„Here! What happened?"
Ben appeared behind some plants and he looked worried. When he saw me standing straight and stabil his eyes widened.
„What happened?"
He repeated, slowly this time, not really believing what he was looking at. Understandable. Just an hour ago we were sitting all together and had received news that they killed the Burned One. When I didn't got better we all fell into a hopelessness that had chocked me up.
„They did it! Marco and the others! They did it! Look at me!"
My will to live and the strength came back and it flowed like adrenaline through my body. Better than any drug would do. Ben's eyes began to glow and a great smile appeared on his lips. With two steps I had reached him and closed him in a friendly almost aggressive embrace. The gesture was returned and Ben laughed loudly as we broke up the hug.
„I can't believe they found it!"
„Uhh Saul. I don't think it was Marco, they are not out there anymore. They are on their way back."
„Well, maybe they found another one and-„
„I don't think so. They would have called."
Only then did I notice that I felt Farah's presence very weakly, she must be out of the Barrier.

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