7. Me, myself and wine

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Farah's pov

It was past midnight and I was sitting alone in my office, my only companion was the third glass of wine in my hand. My hair had loosen itself completely from the once perfect, severe bun and my face was heated from the sweet alcohol. I was sitting here for hours. After Ben had put Saul to sleep with some herbes, I had come straight here, without a word. I had to be alone, work through what just had happened. The problem was, that I was never really good at processing things, that was a strength that the guys owned. I always shoved everything away till I couldn't ignore it anymore. I didn't want to see Ben or anyone else right now and Saul. . . Saul, my eyes filled themselves with tears as pictures of him, pale and weak from the pain, flashed through my mind.

How could such a thing happen? How could I let such a thing happen?

At first, my body had been shaking with shock and I even had let a few tears escape. But now I was just calm, still, everything was just still and I hated it. I knew I had to catch myself eventually, after all I had a monster to kill as fast as I could, otherwise. . .

No, I'm not gonna let myself think like that, not yet.

The thought of living without Saul was unbearable but there was no need to completely loose it already. There was still a chance. All I had to do was to kill the burned one that had cut him open.

„The burned One was loose before we got there..."

Sauls words echoed through my head. So there was someone out there who wants this thing on the loose, able to hunt and kill.
Goosebumps crept down my spine. Now that I thought about it, it made more and more sense. At the beginning of the summer holidays I had found a changeling, a girl with great powers, that was born in the same year where the last Burned One was sighted. Shortly thereafter, one of these ugly beasts showed up near the school and tracked the exact same girl. I thought it had been connected but also kind of a coincidence but now I wasn't so sure anymore. Then I caught it, surrounded it with very strong magic that had cost me a lot of time and power, that means no one, unless it is someone very powerful, could get through it. And at the last chance of escaping Queen Lunas prison, the beast actually managed to escape. As if it would've known.

Too many coincidences to be some, if you ask me.

No Burned One was so cunning on its own, it had help. And whoever the responsible was, I would make him or her pay for what he or she did to Saul... and Bloom. I sigh, tilting my head to the right and eyeing my glass.

Oh Bloom

Not even a week here and already experienced so much. Too much. I saw her red hair in front of me, the blue eyes that always looked at me with a certain wonder. Smirking, I finished my glass, stood up and walked to the window. However, not very quickly because the wine began to show its effect very effectively.

I must protect her at any cost.

I don't know why but I really started to like Bloom. I worried about her more often and watched her from afar. I also couldn't explain myself the pride that came up whenever she succeeded in class. It was weird but whenever I thought of protecting my loved ones the first in mind was Saul and recently Bloom as well... Why Bloom? Why not Ben or the students?
I reached my window and leaned against it. I could feel the cold glass refreshing my heated cheeks, it had a very satisfying, cooling effect.

Everything is upside down anyway. I'm not myself anymore. Caring about a student that much, being ridiculously nervous around Saul, not being in control at all... and then all the problems outside of my head...

I thought, sighing at the mental strain. In that moment I saw a shadow walking over the field. I couldn't recognize the face nor the stature. My senses were suddenly wide awake as if I had not just drunk half a bottle alone. My whole body froze and I watched the lonely silhouette walking. If it was a student, I swear to god he'll be in trouble.
But if it wasn't...
I pulled myself together and rushed out of my office into the cold night. The fresh air hit me in the face and surprised me a bit with it's strong and cold wind. I looked around and saw the figure sitting on the other side of the field under a tree. The stranger hadn't detected me yet. Saul would have said to be careful, to not go without him... well he is not here. I started to walk to the tree with self-determined, strong steps. I wasn't in a mood for hide and seek. This was my school, and no one had any business outside at this hour.
I was now close enough to realize that the figure was a male, but strangely enough, he still didn't notice me. I decided to come from the side, so I would have the surprise effect of the shadows. And as I practically stood right behind him, I finally recognized the stranger.
„Do you think a late night stroll is wise in these times?"
the boy jerked back, turned around and pulled his sword. But as soon as he saw me he dropped the weapon.
„Jesus christ... Ms. Dowling. I'm sorry, you scared me..."
„Yes well, if I would've been an enemy, you would've been dead already."
„I wasn't really paying attention..."
„Yes, I'm aware of that."
We looked at each other until he dropped his gaze and put back his sword. I took a closer look at him, his eyes were a little red and shimmery and his whole stature had fallen into itself a little.
„What are you doing out here all by yourself. You know students are not allowed to be outside of there rooms at night."
„Yes, I'm sorry Ms. Dowling. Won't happen again."
He already wanted to turn around and walk away when I stopped him. It had been a while since I had talked to the boy privately. Since Saul had mainly taken over his upbringing, I had distanced myself a bit. The older he got, the more we had grown apart. It still didn't change the past. I could still remember the play evenings or the little walks I had taken with the little boy, as if it was yesterday.
He looked at me with caution. I sigh

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