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The sunlight illuminated the surface of the Terran world of Earth, showing off its unique beauty. A planet of many biomes, blessed with bountiful plants and creatures. Never have the Empire has seen such a beautiful, unique, majestic world. But alas, its occupants are in a constant war against each other.

The sunlight eventually illuminates an edge of some sort of craft, as it then shows even more of the said craft. It is a customized Harrower-class Dreadnought, alongside 30 dozen combined Harrower-class, Terminus-class, and Gage-class starships. It is a massive fleet, and the hybrid Dreadnought-Destroyer class named "Titan", is the flagship of the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Faruk.

It has been a week since the Wrath's Fleet arrived at this system, but no major movement has been made by the occupants. No defense fleet or a welcoming committee, they don't even encounter a single ship enter or exited the planet. They could only guess that the occupants of this world are too backward to even have a starship.

The door to the bridge of a ship is opened, as a man walked with a woman in tow. The person in charge, Admiral Jaine Highwind bowed to the man as well as many other imperial.

The man was none other than the Emperor's Wrath, Darth Faruk, at his side his apprentice, Lord Tigbea.

"My lord Wrath." Said Jaine

"Arise, Jaine. Is there any news regarding our efforts to learn the occupants of this majestic world?" Asked Faruk.

"Yes, My lord Wrath. The latest information from our investigation is that the occupants are advanced enough to make mechanized equipment, but not enough to make starships or starfighters. They still use a turbine-based engine for their aircraft." Jaine reported.

Faruk nodded as he comprehends the information that he has given by his brightest admiral.

"How about the hyperdrives? Have all of our starships hyperdrives are fixed?" Asked Faruk.

"Almost all, my lord. The hyperdrives are intact, they just need some configuration done fixed. But it will take quite some time to fix the hyperdrives of our massive fleet." Jaine replied.

"I must ask, My lord Wrath. Have you contacted the Emperor of our situation?" Asked Jaine.

The Wrath's expression did not change, but inside he is dissatisfied.

"Forgive me, Jaine. Even though the Force is strong in this system, I cannot contact the Emperor or any other siths. Even worse, it appears that I can only sense the presence of Tigbea when it comes to fully trained Force users. It's as if they vanished, all of them. The Jedi, the Sith, I cannot sense them. I may have a premonition that we have stranded very far from home, Jaine. Possibly, we're outside the Rim." Faruk replied.

"I see, I guess we're on our own then," Jaine responded.

"It appears so." Said Faruk.

"A shame, but I guess we'll be alright. We made our parts and everything we need in our modified Gage-class transports." Said Jaine.

"But what about this world? What should we do about it?" Asked Tigbea.

"You have a suggestion, my dear apprentice?" Asked Faruk.

"Yes. Why don't we just conquer this planet? An outpost world outside the Rim wouldn't hurt, and if the Empire found us, it would save them the trouble of establishing a base of operations in the system." Tigbea suggested.

Faruk frowned when he heard his apprentice's suggestion, and smiled when he was thinking about it.

"You are correct, Tigbea. It would be the most plausible option we could take. Admiral." Said Faruk.

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