Chapter III: Crashing the Wedding (Part I)

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The Imperial Palace courtyard, Neo Jakarta, a few days after the Consulate Raid.

Faruk readied his lightsabers, as he entered a stance. Tigbea, as well Sith candidates for the positions of the new Sith Lords in the Sith Order did the same as they surrounded their Emperor. There's 5 of them including Tigbea, and they began to lunge towards Faruk. Two lunged at the same time, but both attackers repelled, holding them with Faruk's dual lightsabers.

Faruk pushed the attackers from him, as they were pushed back a meter away from him. Then another two took the opportunity, and commence a duo close-combat action with Faruk. Faruk evades and blocks each attack, as the duo did not let up their momentum to strike. Seeing this as an opportunity, the other two joined. 4 out of 5 are now in close combat dueling with Faruk. But each time they attack, it always repelled. One of them sent out Force Lightning after Faruk, but Faruk blocked it with one of his Lightsaber. Then a Sith candidate lunged at him, about to deliver a sundering attack. Faruk blocked, but in doing so limits his movement. The remaining Sith candidates saw the chance and simultaneously lunges themselves to attack. But their all efforts went for nothing. A burst of Force Push, pushing them all away as they hit the floor they're impacted on.

The Sith candidates backed away, leaving Tigbea all by herself. Tigbea activates her other lightsaber, as she then began her series of attacks. Faruk took her seriously, and the two began to duel. With each time their Lightsabers clashes, a powerful surge of shockwave bursts out from their clashes. Their lightsabers eventually locked, and Faruk pushes her away about five meters away.

Tigbea recovered. She reaches through the Force, as she lifts a large boulder from the very ground. She sent the boulder flying towards Faruk. Faruk cut the boulder in half, only to find his apprentice lift the ground he is currently standing on. Faruk lost his balance and jumped away, only to be greeted by an incoming flying lightsaber towards him.

Faruk deflected the lightsaber, as he locks lightsabers with Tigbea when he touches the ground. Tigbea smirked, as she let go of her lock and backed away. Faruk looked up and see the falling boulder from where he was standing. Faruk was about to jump away from it, only to found his leg was trapped by hardened mud that his apprentice made. Faruk smirked amused.

Faruk reached towards the Force, attempting to hold the falling boulder. But once again, his apprentice strikes back. Force Lightning flew out from Tigbea's hand, right towards Faruk. Faruk was able to deflect it, but that attack made him less focused on what he should be able to do. The falling boulder was stopped just in the nick of time, just about an inch away from his head.

Faruk put away the rock, as he breaks free from the hardened mud holding his feet. Tigbea saluted her master along with the Sith candidates, as Faruk saluted them back.

"You all did tremendously. Your combat skills are acceptable to be Sith Lords. You four have been personally selected by Lord Tigbea, and personally, you don't disappoint. You have shown your skills in the past few months, and you successfully finished your test as Sith Lords with this. Henceforth, you are Sith Lords. You answer to me, or Tigbea only." Said Faruk.

"We thank you, Emperor Faruk." Said the rest of them.

"Kneel, I will rename all of you." Said Faruk.

The four Sith knelt, submitting their fates to Faruk. Faruk approaches one on the far left, as he lifts the hood the Sith figure is wearing.

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