Chapter XI: Old Rivalries (Part III)

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(AN: About 8332 words detected. Grab some snacks and drinks folks.)

Above Saturn's ring.

"Have our ships turn 90° Portside. Then have all ships full speed ahead! We will tear the Republic fleet apart." Marr commanded.

"Yes, Lord Marr!"

"My Lord. Lord Varou's fleet has turned their heading right towards us. They are mimicking our movement." An ensign reporting.

"Good, then we will continue. Open the hangars, the Knightmares will bring wrath." Marr responded.

Both Marr's and Varou's fleet turned to head towards the enemy, as both respected fleets began to close in on the Republic fleet. Blasting Republic ships as they go, condensing the mass of the Republic fleet tighter.

"It's time we rock and roll, fellas! Let's show these Republic dogs how the Sith Empire fight!" Kallen encouraged her men through the comms. "Leave no starfighters intact, leave no starships unharmed. Our orders are to destroy everything, am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am!"

Guren Type Nihilus flew out first from the hangar of Typhon. Followed by dozens of other Knightmares. Same with the others, they all flew out simultaneously from many starships belonging to the Sith Empire.

Kallen stopped in front of a Republic cruiser. The Cruiser opened fire at her, but the shielding held like a firm wall.

Guren prepared the RWS cannon, as the weapon load up to fire.

"Take this!!"

She fired the cannon, the attack penetrates through the cruiser's shielding. The attack hit the reactor core, and without waiting long, the ship exploded. In a single attack, she destroyed a ship that took most take quite an effort to destroy.

Ugh, the nausea came back. Is it because I've been too long grounded? Then again, I've been feeling this since yesterday. I just hope that I'll manage. Kallen thought.

The other Knightmares followed her lead, as they began picking off starfighters and starships within range.

Back at the Titan, Faruk gaze over the battlefield with glee. The battle goes in his way, the Republic dances right into his tune.

"Arkan, lead the fleet. Vitae, I know you have just arrived. But I will need you to arrange your men for one last boarding for this battle. You will accompany me to board the Republic Flagship." Faruk commanded.

"Understood, Your Majesty." Said the two of them.

Faruk and Vitae left the bridge, and along the way, Vitae made an effort to get her men ready for battle. Though she is focused, she was having excitement beyond imagine.

By the Force! Father's taking me with him to battle! Finally! Finally, I got to show him what I am capable of!. She thought excitedly.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the hangar, as they were greeted by the entirety of the Reeks Brigade and Sith Acolytes and Lords. Hundreds of dropships are parked, ready to transport them all.

"Your orders, Your Majesty?" Asked the leading colonel.

"The Republic fleet's flagship, the Liberation," Faruk answered simply. "We will board the ship, and exterminate any Jedi we found. Masters, Knights, Padawans, even younglings if we have to. We will leave no trace of the Jedi Order, the Sith shall prevail."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

Faruk and Vitae walked towards Faruk's Fury-Class Interceptor, only to be halted by a call.

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