Chapter IX: A Change of Heart

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(AN: Warning. 10949 words have been detected. It is advice for readers to sit back/ lay down and enjoy with a snack and a nice beverage while reading this. Thank you for reading Author's Note, enjoy the story.)

Two days later, after the victory over Gobi Desert.

The international news outlets went wild. The news of the marvelous victory carried out by Princess Vitae is spreading like wildfire. Just as to show the world, she's not just a princess, but a skilled military commander which holds significance to win such battles. Which brought the world to a question. If the Sith Empire manages to transform a once frail princess of the Britannian Holy Empire, into a formidable warrior and commander of the Sith Empire. What horrors would they have in store?

Of course, a victory for their princess like this must be celebrated. Therefore, just the next day, they held a military parade. Vitae was the star of the show, as she was the one who orchestrated the victory. Well, along with some of her subordinates on that mission, such as Admiral Arkan. They also paraded destroyed and damaged Knightmares of the UFN. As well, as the survivors of the seemingly one-sided battle. They were treated harshly by the public, and this was not orchestrated by the Sith Empire, no. Thanks to the constant propaganda of the Sith Empire, fanatics loyal to the Empire rises. In which, the fanatics consist the majority of the population. They threw rocks, litter, bottles, even human feces at them. Shouting "Terrorists", "Criminals", "Murderers."

This parade, however, does not include Kallen. For all the world know, she went MIA. At least, to the international public. The UFN and the Sith Empire knew all too well what has happened to her.

As the public still rejoices, Kallen looks below the grand city of Neo Jakarta. The glistening skyscrapers, the hovering vehicles roam about the sky and the ground, the holographic advertisements, the banners of the Sith Empire hung over every building and lamp post. And of course, the indomitable Titan and its 1st Strike Fleet hovering over Neo Jakarta's sky.

For the last two days, Kallen was confined to the room she currently stays in. Well, stay, as in imprisoned. Her room was quite spacious, to say at least. It's not exactly a cell, as she was currently held on the 61st floor of the Sith Order Headquarters. Specifically speaking, the Darths lounge floors. Ranging from the 61st to the 65th. As it names, it is a lounge floor for Darths, including the Six Great Darths. It's more of a combined lounge and dormitory floor, which was fully equipped with luxurious facilities. Name it, luxurious dining room instead of mess halls. Training halls, recreational facilities such as bars, it's all *high roller*.

(AN: I do hope I get that term right.)

She's currently "staying" there. High above the ground, with the view of the Sith Empire's capital city.

It has been two days, but none came to me. No one came to interrogate, to question me. All I have received from them are those luxurious foods they fed me with. I don't know why, but there must be an ulterior motive here. She thought to herself.

Just then, as she was busy contemplating, the door opens.

She looked ahead to where it came from and saw a familiar face.

"Hello Kallen, you look well." Said the person.

"I am, but I don't know about you. Nunally. Or Vitae is it?" Said Kallen.

The person was none other than Vitae, princess of the Sith Empire. Formerly known as Nunally vi Britannia.

Vitae entered the room. With her, two distinct soldiers escort her. Looking very different than a regular Sith Trooper.

"Who are they? And what do you want from me?" Asked Kallen.

"Them? Oh, they're the Sith Order's newest Paramilitary enforcer. Purge Troopers, they're called." Said Vitae. "As what we want? It's something you need to figure out."

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