Chapter XI: Old Rivalries (Part II)

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Orbit of Mars

It has been two hours or so since the 1st Strike Fleet arrived at Mars's orbit. After putting all her things in her quarters, Vitae headed straight to the bridge where she left her father. The crew members of the Titan are busier than before, she can only guess it was due to the fact they are going to fight an enemy they all know too well.

Marching through one of the corridors of the ships, she ends up in a section where she could see through a viewport. She saw the magnificence of the scenery before her. Flotillas of starships were positioned right on the starboard of the Titan, there she could see the 6th Strike Fleet, and her brother figure's flagship, the newly named Typhon, a name that was influenced by Terran culture, thanks to his wife that is. Although she wanted to stay and praise the glorious scene, she had to go. She kept going, though the moment she did, she saw her father along with some people, discussing battleplans. Though, one particular figure was there unexpectedly.

"Forgive me for being a late father." Said Vitae.

"No need for any apologies, dear child. Come, join us." Faruk responded.

Vitae approached the group and joined in on the discussion.

"Though before we begin, father. I must ask." Said Vitae. "Why is she here?"

"Why? You don't like me being here?" Asked the person. "I'll have you know that I am here for a good reason!"

The person was none other than Kallen, she had come along in the operation.

"She is here as the Sith Empire's Commander of the Imperial Knightmare Corps, I elevated her rank as it was fitting for a woman of her talents. And of course, her many achievements must not go unrecognized." Said Faruk. "She of all people, fit to hold such rank."

"I see. So what is your rank now? Lieutenant General Kallen Rhayme?" Asked Vitae.

"It's Corps General Kallen Rhayme, Vitae," Kallen replied annoyed. "You're not going to stop antagonizing me, are you?"

"Yeah, no." Said Vitae. "Even if you married Big Brother, I still hold you responsible for all the chaos you helped Lelouch."

"That is enough, Vitae," Faruk said with a firm tone. "You will not antagonize her any further. After all, we will all be working together in the coming war."

"As you command, father," Vitae replied as she bowed.

"Good, now back to planning the coming battle." Said Faruk. "Marr, if you may."

"The enemy outnumbers us 2:1, but at the same time, the enemy's fleet is heavily damaged which we can all assume they got the damages from some battle they previously fought. I can assume they jump to hyperspace and the same thing happened to us." Said Marr. "From the reports of our probes, the enemy fleet's formation is severely disorganized. I suggest we approach them with Phoenix Formation, and then we perform Attack Pattern Krayt while maintaining Phoenix Formation, your Majesty."

"Phoenix Formation and then Attack Pattern Krayt? Is that even possible? I understood with our fleet shift formation mid-combat, but maintaining Phoenix while we're doing Krayt?" Varou asked with sheer disbelief in his tone. "Do mind that this is a massive fleet, Darth Marr. Not to mention combining two different formations. Are you sure it can be done?"

"I think we can pull it off, Darth Varou. We just have to be very organized and be wise in putting our men in the weak spots." Said Marr. "Then with Attack Pattern Krayt, we will undoubtedly decimate the Republic Fleet."

"Hm... It could work. But the risk is high." Arkan commented as he rubs his chin. "If we act reckless, our fleet's cohesion will shatter. If that were to happen, we will end up in a Brawl. That said even if we win, it will cause heavy casualties, regardless if we win the battle."

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