Chapter I: The First Contact

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The mighty "Titan" hovers over at the Thermosphere of the planet called Earth

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The mighty "Titan" hovers over at the Thermosphere of the planet called Earth. The super dreadnought is about 20 km at length, with 550+ turbolaser batteries and 270+ combined of other armaments such as quad laser turrets, ion cannons, proton torpedo tubes, and many more. The starship is the Empire's masterpiece, the greatest of the TSM's creations, as well as the Flagship of the new Emperor of the Sith Empire, Darth Faruk.

It has been another four days since the previous Emperor, Vitiate, informed the now Emperor and what is left of the Sith Empire about the destruction of the Rim and all of its occupants.

They were at loss before, about a week they adrift in the empty void of space. Now, they have reorganized themselves. They all realize that they couldn't just linger in space, they must take action to preserve their existence. With Darth Faruk and his comrades leading them, the Empire will surely survive. And their first objective is to establish control of the young world in front of them.

Darth Faruk looked over the jewel-like planet with glee, shirtless, as his room is dark. His face showed fierce determination, the hands that he crossed are tense, as things began to float around him. As he looks over the planet, he's also focused on the Force. Suddenly, a slim, scarlet skin hand touched his shoulder, the size of the hand was smaller than his.

"Forgive me, did I wake you up?" Asked Faruk.

The person he asked was none other than Tigbea, who was covered with only a bedsheet from Faruk's bed. It only showed the cleavage of her breast and her silky skin, as much is perfectly covered by the bedsheet.

"No, it's fine." She replied as she grabs him by the arm.

"You are anxious, why so, my Emperor?" Asked Tigbea.

The Emperor stood still for a while, with an emotionless face is the only thing he shows.

"I am still in disbelief, my dear. An Emperor, never have I the slightest thought that I would be an Emperor of our people. And just like that, he christened me as the Emperor. I worry the fate of our people, of us all." Said Faruk.

In response, Tigbea hugged the large, naked torso, as she rubs her hand in his skin.

"Have no worries, love. You will succeed where others failed. I am sure of it." Said Tigbea.

The Emperor stood still, with no expression shown on his face. Then, Tigbea releases her arms from his body.

"I should be going, I have an appointment with that bitch for the preparation of our conquest of the region." Said Tigbea as she walked towards the section of the floor where her clothes are lying.

"You shouldn't talk about her like that. After all, she is also my mistress, and also my brightest Admiral." Said Faruk.

"I may have to decline that advice, my Emperor. She is but an annoying bitch that wishes to take you from me, she and Cresha all the same." Said Tigbea as she began to change her clothes.

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