Chapter V: Operation Night Owl

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The group of 40 ISF and 4 Sith Lords waited silently in a secluded place, waited for the right moment. Not one of them makes a noise.

"Oy, Varou. What are we waiting for?" Asked Keyla whispering.

"Minister Wresh specifically ordered us to wait until the time is right, he says that we need to wait until the lights of Tokyo Settlement have gone dark," Varou replied.

The group waited, and soon an ISF soldier came to Varou.

"My Lord, the Black Knights are spotted right up the coast of Tokyo. Our time will soon arrive." Said the soldier.

"Good to hear it. Get the rest to prep up." Said Varou.

Varou's feet are pumping, he's ready for action. Helios is cracking his fingers, Keyla stretching up her body, while Nesa makes a small prayer for the success of their mission.

Then as expected, the lights went dark. Bombardments are now heard at the coast of the city. Varou knew exactly that this is the right time.

"Let's go," Varou commanded.

After wearing his mask, Varou leaped up to the high platform, the very platform where the Viceroy's HQ is. His fellow Sith Lords follows him, as ISF soldiers are climbing up the platform with their grappling hooks. Varou spotted a dozen guards on the platform, with speed and precision, he ordered his fellow Sith Lords to kill. Everyone had their share, including Varou himself as he slaughtered the last remaining guard on the platform.

Varou went back to the ISF, as so did the other Sith Lords. Checking up on their progress.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Varou.

"Ready when you are, my lord." Said Zaria.

"Very well, let's get moving. To your teams." Said Varou.

They rush in towards the HQ, as the two groups split ways to their respective objectives. Varou and Nesa led their teams, cooperating as they go, killing every enemy in sight.

"This is quite fun, isn't it Varou?" Asked Nesa.

"It sure is. But keep your focus, we need to find the Black Knights Ace. She's somewhere in the ultra-maximum security, somewhere inside this very building." Said Varou.

Varou's and Nesa's teams were killing the living crap out of their enemies, shredding them to pieces. The enemy has no chance, as both teams are surprised by every enemy they find.

As they got on a corridor, he signals them to stop. Nesa was confused, but in the end, did the same. They close themselves into the dark walls, covered by the shadows, as they were camouflaged by their dark color armor. Some group of soldiers passing through.

"We have to capture the Viceroy and rescue captain Kozuki. We need to act quick, we don't have much time to waste." Said the soldiers.

Varou was quite surprised to see the Black Knights already infiltrated the HQ. And as fast as a flash of lightning, he ignited his lightsaber and cut down the disguised soldiers in front of him.


"It's the Sith Empire!"

"Truce! Truce! We're the Black Knights!"

But Varou heeds not their calling. He kept on cutting down soldiers he could reach. Nesa joined in on the fun, as well the soldiers of their teams. In just a quick 30 seconds, all of them were dropped dead. Well, almost. As one left was still breathing and fine, purposely for interrogation.

Varou grabbed him through the Force, as the Black Knights soldier was unable to move a single muscle.

"W-why are you doing this? W-we're allies, aren't we?" Asked the soldier in fear and trembling.

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