Therapeutic Friendship

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The bright sun beamed through the windshield of my car as I drove to August's house the next afternoon.

Time was officially up that him and I weren't on speaking terms, but I planned on keeping anything unrelated to business at a minimum.

"Where's August?", I asked, after T had let me in.

"Upstairs.", he replied, as he threw his hoody on.

I set my laptop and bag on the kitchen counter and sat in one of the chairs. "And where you goin?"

"Oh, today is my brother's birthday. I'm gonna step out wit him for a while... Tell Yung I'll hit his line later.", he said.

"Okay. I will."

After T left, I took my prenatal and iron pills, and then carried my laptop with me to the living room.

Maybe I haven't noticed before, but it seems like right after finding out about my pregnancy, all of the symptoms started to immediately kick in because my eyelids were ridiculously heavy and I had a random craving for pizza with bacon.

I got comfortable on the couch and dozed off a few times in between the movie Taken, until I heard August coming down the steps.

"Wassup?", he said, as he stood behind the sofa across from me.

I quickly glanced at him as I spoke. "Hey.", I said softly.

"I ain't think you was comin dis early.", he said.

I raised my eyebrows and looked at the cable box to see the time.

It was 2:42pm. He knew damn well that I usually be at his house earlier, but I understood that he was only trying to make conversation.

He sat on the same sofa that he was standing behind, "Where's T?"

"He said he was goin out wit his brother for his birthday and that he'll hit you later.", I replied.

"Oh yeah, dat's right.", he said. "What up doe? You aight?"

I nodded, "I'm fine."

"Good.", he said. "You look different."

I smirked. "Different how?"

"I'ono... Just different. Prolly cuz I ain't see you inna few days.", he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I guess."

He looked at the tv as we shared yet another awkward silence.

I opened my laptop and started looking through the necessary folders that needed to be discussed with him.

"I'm gonna make an appointment some time next week with the owners of 3 venues I found that you may wanna do your EP release party at.", I said, breaking the silence.

"Cool.", he said. "And da release date?"

"Still the end of fall."

"Fuck!", he said under his breath. "Aight, well lemme see what spots you picked out."

I fixed myself on the couch as he came over to sit next to me.

"This one has only one floor but it's nice and it has enough space.", I said, as I pointed at my laptop screen.

"You think one floor gon' be good?", he asked.

"Fall starts in 5 months, you don't know how many more people you'll meet and work wit by then but the venue is not too big, not too small. It isn't your mixtape as to where you don't need a venue for a party at all and it isn't your debut album that you gonna need alotta space. It's an appropriate size for the occasion."

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