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I been in jail for two days and it definitely had to be the worst two days of my life.
I sat on the bunk in my cell with my back against the wall and knees to my chest, as I patiently waited until I was able to make a call.
Unfortunately, I was charged with assault and battery and could face up to a year in prison, but I was given a trial date to appear in court and to be released from custody on a bail amount of $3,500 dollars.
I was glad that I had an opportunity of freedom, but pulling $3,500 dollars out the ass wasn't so simple.
Luckily, my mother and Myla was able to come up with some of the money, but I was still $2,100 dollars short.
My father was hard to reach, no one knew Aaron's number so Myla was waiting for him to answer her DM, and Jennifer didn't have it to spare at the moment.
I started tearing up for like the 50th time, thinking about how I didn't want to spend my birthday in jail - I didn't want to be in jail period.

"Porter!", a guard said, as the cell gate was opening. "You have a 3 minute phone call."

I hopped off of the bunk and walked out of the cell as the guard took me to the phone area.
I didn't want to call my mother just to hear her lecture me again, so I called Myla instead since I knew her number by heart and she was one of the sources to help get me out of jail.

"Hello.", she answered.

"Hey. Any word from daddy or Aaron yet? ", I asked.

"Well, I blew daddy's phone up. That man clearly doesn't believe in emergencies cuz he haven't called me back and Aaron wrote me back on Instagram like an hour ago. He said he'll give me $150 dollars tonight.", she replied.

I sighed deeply. "It helps but it still ain't enough. Myla, I need to get out of here.", I said, as I started to cry...again.

"I know sis, I know. Don't stress yourself in there, okay? I'm gonna call August ton..."

"No Myla!", I said, cutting her off. "There's no need to call August."

"Melanie, if August can help, let him! Stop being so childish!", she yelled.

She had a point, but I honestly didn't want anything from or anything to do with August ever again. I don't understand why people thought I was joking when I said I officially cut him off.

"Can you just respect my wishes... please? ", I said in a low tone.

"Fine Melanie. I'll call mommy when I get off the phone wit' you and see what she can do.", she said.

"Thank you. Well, my phone time is almost up. I'll call you whenever they let me use the phone again."

"Okay. I love you sis."

"I love you too.", I said, before hanging the phone up.

The guard took me back to my cell, and I just layed down, hoping and praying for a miracle since it looked like I was going to be here another night.

(August's POV )
I was loungin' on da couch wit' Toya, watchin' some chic flick she had turned to, although I really wasn't payin' attention to it.

"Yo, what we gon' eat? I'm starvin'.", I said, gettin' her attention from da tv.

"I don't know, but I'm not cooking.", she replied.

"You ain't cook in like 3 days Toya! Da fuck!"

"August, you know where the kitchen is. You have two hands to make yourself something to eat.", she said.

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