How did you meet

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Pacifica: You were taking a stroll through the forest and you heard a snap above you and someone curse under their breath. You look up and see a blonde girl with her hair in a ponytail, blue shorts, white T-shirt, and a pink and purple jacket. She jumps down from the branch she was sitting on.

"Oh, sorry if I scared you. I was just chilling up in the trees. I haven't seen you around before. What's you're name?" She says with a bright smile, crossing her arms.

"My names (Y/N). What about you?" You say extending you're hand.

"Pacifica. Pacifica Northeast. It's nice to meet you (Y/N)." She says shaking you're hand. 

After that, the two of you hung out ever since.

Dipper: You and you're best friend were walking around town, bored out of you're minds. You're friend looks over and sees a poster for the Tent of Telepathy. The next show was in maybe fifteen minutes.

"Why not we go to that, (Y/N)?" (Y/BF/N) asked.

You looked at what they were talking about and saw the poster and decided to just check it out. After a few minutes of walking, you got there and surprisingly, the tickets were only five bucks. You bought the tickets for you and (Y/BF/N) and got front row seats.

The lights started to get dim until the tent was fully dark. Somewhere out of the shadows, two figures entered the stage. They looked like siblings. The male figure escpeccially caught you're eyes. And obviously the squealing girls behind you. You look back at the stage at the boy and you could feel yourself staring but you couldn't look away.

While his sister was talking, he suddenly met you're eyes, smirked, and winked. You blushed furiously and looked away. (Y/BF/N) nudged you in the arm and smirked. You rolled you're eyes and continued to watch the show. After the show was over, which was amazing you might add, you were stopped by a redheaded girl.

"Dipper Gleeful asked me to give this to you." She says, handing you a piece of paper and walks away.

'Dipper Gleeful. So that's his name? that's an odd but unique name.' you thought silently.

You opened the paper and saw a number written down, plus in neat handwriting saying, text me.

You blushed and put the paper in you're pocket. You turned back to see a glimpse of someone smirking at you before disappearing.

"You okay (Y/N)?" (Y/BF/N) asked.

"Yeah. Let's go home." You say and you couldn't help but think about that boy for the rest of the night.

Mabel: You were looking at a expensive red dress in the mall. You wanted it so badly but it was far out of you're price range. (If you don't wear or like dresses, you can pick something else.) You sighed, setting it back on the hanger, putting it back in the shelf where you got it.

"Have you're eyes on that sweetie?" You hear a voice say behind you.

You turn around and see a beautiful brunette girl who had some shopping bags in her hands. "Oh- um...yes?" You say coming out more as a question than an answer.

"You have good taste sweetheart. Don't worry, I can get it for you." She says smirking and taking the dress, and walking with you to the register.

"Oh, you don't need to do that! I don't even know you-" You start to say but she cuts you off.

"My names Mabel Gleeful. You're right, I don't need to do this but, I'd like to do it for you. A pretty thing like you deserves a pretty thing like this." She says with a smile, handing the cashier $500.

She grabs the dress that was now in a bag and hands it to you. "There you are sweetie." She says smirking, and starts to walk away.

"Uhm...thank you." You say blushing a tiny bit because of the names she keeps calling you.

"Will you like to get some tea with me?" She says turning around.

"Oh uh- sure. Of course!"

Gideon: You were in a place called the Mystery Shack and staring at some weird creature, knowing it's fake. Yet it was entertaining in a way.

"You know that's fake right?" You hear someone ask you.

You turn around and see a boy with white hair, a black long sleeve shirt, black vest, and grey shorts. He was a bit on the chubby side, he also had little freckles that made him even cuter.

"Haha, yes. Are you a tourist?" You giggle.

"No actually. I work here. My dad owns this place." He says blushing from embarassment, mentioning his father owned the place.

"No need to be embarrassed. It's unique and weird at the same time. I'm (Y/N)." You say extending you're hand.

He smiles at you and shakes you're hand. "Gideon. Pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." He says and you both stand there, smiling at eachother for what seems like forever.

"Gideon! Come here please!" You both hear a mans voice call out. Must be his father.

"oh, uh, I have to go (Y/N). I'll see you around." He say before running around the corner.

You smiled as you turned around, kinda hoping you'd see the boy again.

Will: You were visiting you're cousins, Dipper and Mabel Gleeful for the summer. They both had a show to get too and Dipper was blabbing on about some "fake blonde" name Pacy? Pricilla? whatever her name was. You were in you're room bored out of you're mind and then you suddenly hear a crash out in the hallway.

You shoot up from you're bed and open you're door to see some blue haired butler picking up pieces of a broken cup. "Oh!, P-please d-d-don't tell my m-master!" He says with tears running down his face.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! It's okay! It was just an accident. These things happen. I'll help you." You say and you lean down and start to pick up the pieces with the boy.

"What's you're name?" You ask once you finish picking it all up.

"It's W-Will m-miss." He says with a bow and takes the pieces from you.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Will. I'm (Y/N). Dipper and Mabels cousin." You say with a warm smile. He blushes a tad and smiles back.

You stare and smile at each other for what feels like forever until he shakes his head. "I-I have w-work to do m-miss. C-Call me if y-you need a-anything." And after that, he scurries away.

You go back in you're room and smile at how cute the shy blue-haired boy was.

Scarlett: You were at a huge party with lights flickering everywhere, music was blaring, and people were dancing, making out, sleeping and some were throwing up in random places. You decided to take a drink and went to the bar. You sat down and when you got a drink, you saw someone sit next to you in the corner of you're eye.

You look over and see a dark redheaded girl with dark clothing and some lipstick on. She orders the same drink as you and notices you staring at her. "Hey. Like what you see?" She says with a smirk.

You don't answer, you just look away. You start to finish you're drink and then the redheaded girl taps you're shoulder. "Sorry If I made you uncomfortable sweetie. Would you like another drink?" She says smiling.

"Uhm...yeah sure." You say with an awkward smile.

"Excellent! Hey buddy, grab this lovely gal a (Drink name)!" She says and the waiter nods.

She turns back to you. "Can I get you're name?"

"(Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You answer extending you're hand.

"Nice to meet you. My names Scarlett." She say writing down something on a piece of paper.

When she was finished, she slammed the paper in front of you and twenty bucks. "Give me a call sweet cheeks." She says with a smirk and gets up, and starts to disappear from sight.

You looked at the paper and saw it was her number. You got you're drink and you couldn't stop staring at the number she gave you.

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