Dating them would include

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- Hand holding in public and private

- loads of sleepovers and movie nights

- always going on adventures and monster hunts

- (If you play any sports) her always in the stands supporting you

- rarely arguing

- playing pranks on Bud and Gideon

- testing cooking ideas

- taking silly photos

- inside jokes

- saying favorite show/movie preferences to each other

- sharing clothes

- have joke and fun arguments (Like, arguing about who loves each other more)

- cuddles

- making fun of Dipper's birthmark. But in a friendly way!

- doing each other's hair and nails

- singing favorite songs

- some PDA

- you befriending Gideon

- walks at night

- doing mini crafts together

- sweet kisses


- him being sometimes overly protective and possessive of you

- befriending Scarlett and Mabel

-long walks in the winter, and him giving you his jacket when you're cold

- stagazing

- you making fun of his birthmark

- back and forth teasing (Whether it's dumb nicknames or whatever else)

- Mabel being a little suspicious of you at first but soon accepting you

- him helping you with homework or studying

- him winking at you during his shows

- fun contests for each other (like who can go the longest without kissing the other) 

- him winning every time (I mean, who can resist him??)


- you trying to get him to stop being mean to Gideon or his servant Will

- he refuses at first but soon does to make you happy

- cuddles (Him being the big spoon)

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